𝖳𝗂𝗆𝗆𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝗁

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Still sitting on the statue of Barbatos — the Anemo Archon, little ( Y/N ) snuggled their head into the chest of the god himself as they were placed on his lap, Venti playing a soft tune on his Lyre as he smiled to himself, enjoying the light breeze as his two braids danced in the wind.

"( Y/N ) do you wanna eat something?"

He then asked, since the two were sitting there a little while now without anything to eat or drink, as the kid on his lap just nodded, face still buried in the bards clothes as he slightly chuckled.

"Then let's get some food"

Putting the Lyre back, Venti carried the child in his arms as he stood up before using his Anemo powers to come down the statue again, the kid in his arms giggling as they found it rather funny as the wind blew through their ( H/L ) hair.

As the two were in front of the stone statue again, Venti placed little ( Y/N ) on his shoulders and had a hold into their little legs so they wouldn't fall back or something as the kid now slung their arms around his head — hands above the bards eyes as ( Y/N ) tried to hold themself on top of the bards shoulders.

"Ehe, ( Y/N ) I can't see a thing"

The male chuckled now holding onto the hands of the kid, taking them away from his eyes as he decided to hold onto their hands the whole time instead of holding their legs since most likely,
( Y/N ) would just grip around his head again if he would hold them.

The two made their way towards good hunter as many citizen on the way had greeted little ( Y/N ) since even after just a few weeks being in Mondstadt, almost everyone knew about the little kid that was found at windrise. It's not every day that you would find a lost child in the middle of nowhere without any hint of who the parents might be, after all.

And since ( Y/N ) was a kid that loved to explore everything that they felt comfortable with — they would go on a stroll through Mondstadt by themself sometimes without the notice of the grand master Jean, who had a lot work to do anyways, so it was hard to have an eye on the kid the whole time.

That's why ( Y/N ) was often in the hands of Kaeya, Diluc or Aether. Sometimes also other people but these three were the ones that took care of the kid for now the most time, even if Jean wasn't sure about handing Kaeya the child.

But due to the strolls of the kid, they came across many citizen of Mondstadt — most of them bringing the child back to Jean after they saw that there was no one who came along with them.

"What do you wanna eat, ( Y/N )?"

Venti asked as they finally arrived at good hunter, the kid still sitting on the bards shoulders.

There was a board where all the dishes were written down, but to ( Y/N )'s dismay — they couldn't read.


"How about a chicken-mushroom skewer?"

The male asked as the child on his shoulders hastily nodded, agreeing to what venti said. They ate a lot of Chicken-mushroom skewers since they came to Mondstadt, loving the simple dish.

Ordering the food for the little kid and himself, the two then made their way out if the gates of Mondstadt, wanting to eat somewhere quit and for themselves.

Meanwhile — Kaeya was getting crazy as he looked all around Mondstadt but not finding the child that he was supposed to take care of. Maybe Jean was right and it indeed, was a bad idea to let Kaeya handle the kid. But who would thought that they would just disappear within seconds? Yeah, literally everyone by now.

"Ugh, ( Y/N ) you better be safe right now"

The Knight would most likely not admit it, but he cared for the little being and now, thoughts of the child being hunted by hillichurs or such, wouldn't get out of his head.

But in truth — they were just sitting on the warm grass with some Chicken-mushroom skewers and enjoying their life as the bard took out his Lyre again and played some songs as he took a bite of his apple some times.

If little ( Y/N ) could talk, the conversation between them and Venti would most likely look like this at that moment.

'I feel like I forgot something'

"If you forgot it, it can't be important"

'Yeah, your right'

[ crying Kaeya noises ]


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Hello there!

Ok this is a rather short chapter ik, but I promise that the next ones will be a little longer since I will only update every third day ( or sometimes a few short chapters here and there ), so I hope you are ok with that <3

And pls help, I have to go to school next week again 🥲 I can not put it in words how much I don't want to go, really.

Oh and i got some pretty nasty injuries on my hand who annoys me to no end. I can't really write with them but I still give my best lol

Hope you had / have a good day and see you soon🤍

~ Author-Chan

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