𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗈𝗆𝖯𝗈𝗆 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗎𝗋𝗂

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"Pom Pom Puri...?"

This three words escaped the mouth of the small child that was covered in blankets, laying in the bed of one of the guest rooms inside the down winery. Diluc and Aether looked over towards the kid that mostly didn't talking as they seemed slightly surprised — also not knowing what the kid meant by what they had said.

"What is 'Pom Pom Puri'?"

Paimon asked, floating over towards the bed as she looked at the kid with curiosity as they just stared back — their nose still bright red as they sneezed before surprisingly answering the question.


Was all they said as Aether seemed to remember something.

"Oh yeah, Jean mentioned that they have a puppy..."

( Y/N ) looked at all three of them with big eyes, wanting the pup to be there when they would have to stay at the dawn winery for a bit. The red-head who stood besides the door had crossed his arms before opening his mouth to speak up.

"So? What are you waiting for, traveler? Go and get that puppy"

He said, looking towards Aether with a stern look as said male slightly sweat-dropped, having to go all the way back to Mondstadt to pick up the kid's pup.
The blonde turned around, looking at the child one last time as he saw their pleading eyes as he sighed.

"Ok, let's go Paimon"


But the pixie was already dragged outside the room before she could even complain, letting only the red haired male and the child behind as it was silent for a short moment before Diluc went over to the bed, redoing the blankets a bit as ( Y/N ) had almost threw them to the ground before.

"You should get some sleep"

The tall male said as the kid pouted, not being tired a bit as they already had slept before. Being sick wasn't something that ( Y/N ) enjoyed much. They just wanted to explore even more things — if it was outside around Mondstadt or just small things inside town, they would love to analyze whatever it would be and run around. But now that they were sick, they couldn't even go around in the room as everyone wanted them to stay inside bed and rest. They all cared about their wellbeing but knew that it would be difficult to hold the child in one place if they would just be alone a few seconds and would already be at the other end of the house, exploring some rooms that were still unknown for them.

So Diluc decided to stay inside the small room till Aether and Paimon would be back, looking after the kid so that nothing would happen like finding them on the roof of the winery after a few minutes, not knowing how they even got there. Yes, that was the first scenario that came into the male's head.

As Diluc patiently waited for the kid to sleep — the traveler and his companion were nearing Mondstadt as they reached it short after. The two walked through the city towards the headquarters as they approached the door of Jean's office, knocking and opening it as the grandmaster said they could come in — seeing the blonde female sitting on her office chair like always and the puppy peacefully sleeping on the small couch.

"Hello Jean!"

Paimon exclaimed as said female looked at the two confused as she didn't spotted the child being by their side.

"Hello you two. Might I ask... where is ( Y/N )?"

"Oh, they stayed at the Dawn Winery for now since they are sick! We're just here to pick up ( Y/N )'s puppy"

The pixie said as the grandmaster seemed to remember that the child had caught a cold before as she slightly sweat-dropped, not knowing how something like this could happen to just forget about that.

"Oh um, I guess they will stay there for a while now... I will visit tomorrow then. And thank you for tanking that much care of them, traveler"

Jean said, slightly smiling as Aether had nodded till the female looked at the wolf pup that laid on the couch.

"This Pom Pom Puri, the puppy you came here for"

"Wait- it's a wolf?!"

Paimon exclaimed as she took a closer look at the animal, only then realizing that the kid didn't meant a dog and instead a wolf. Seemed like the pup had woken up due to the loud noise of Paimon's voice as they stretched for a moment before jumping down to the ground and standing in front of Paimon and Aether excitedly.

 Seemed like the pup had woken up due to the loud noise of Paimon's voice as they stretched for a moment before jumping down to the ground and standing in front of Paimon and Aether excitedly

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