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"our new home!" amelia dior exclaimed as she looked over their modern day house, at number 5 privet drive. she turned to look at little lexie who had a large smile upon her face, "go up to your new room sweetie!" the woman urged.

the happy little girl skipped off into the white house, she bounded into her light pink room. lexie stuck out her arms and twirled for a couple minutes, reveling in her newfound life. she peeked through the window, when she saw her window faced straight into a little boys window.

lexie scrunched up her face in confusion as the boy sat in his room with sadness present on his face. the girl pulled her window open, not without struggling of course, and started waving in an attempt to catch his attention.

"hello?" she yelled out, as he turned his head to look through his own window.

the small boy opened his window with confusion, "erm-hi?"

"hi! we're neighbors now! i'm lexie dior!" she told him while smiling widely.

"nice to meet you lexie, i'm harry potter." he called back.

"would you like to come over?" she asked.

"are you sure you don't have anything better to do than hangout with me?"

"of course not! i'll meet you by my front door!" she explained as the girl shut her window and ran down the stairs to the front door.

"hi mum! i invited my new friend over i hope that's okay."

"that's more than fine sweetie, i'm just going to be unpacking, you have fun." the woman responded.

the small raven haired boy arrived at the front door eventually. he was wearing baggy pants and a baggy shirt, that both looked at least 10 sizes too big for him.

"hello harry!" lexie smiled brightly, "we can go up to my room."

the shy boy followed her up to her room. the room was mostly empty, except for the large bed in the middle, with a soft white duvet thrown over it.

"this is my room!" she motioned for him to sit down next to her.

"where did you move from?" he asked out of curiosity.

"london, we lived in the city before. have you lived here all your life?"

"no i suppose not, i used to live with my parents but they passed in a car accident, so now i live with my aunt and uncle. suppose they don't like me very much." he shrugged it off like it was normal.

"i'm sorry." lexie told him sympathetically, "well if you ever need somewhere to escape to, my house will always be here!"

"thank you." he smiled, "not a lot of people want to be friends with me."

"i could say the same thing. they think i can be a bit much at times. but we're friends now, right?"

the boy smiled widely at his newfound friend, "of course."

"how old are you?" she asked.

"8, i'll be 9 on july 31st." he said confidently.

"same! except i'll be nine on july 30th." she thought for a minute, "i guess were supposed to be best friends harry potter." lexie stuck out her pinkie to him.

"best friends lexie dior."

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