chapter 24

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wanna sneak to hogsmeade tonight?

i folded the piece of paper into a little plane before sailing it over to where harry was sitting in history of magic.

he looked over to me with raised eyebrows before smirking and writing a response back.

of course i do. 9:30?

i smiled at the parchment and looked over to harry, who was already looking at me. i gave him a small nod.

"miss dior, according to medieval folklore unicorns can only be caught by whom?" professor binns interrogated from the front of the room.

"you" i spoke with a straight face.

the old ghost just stared at me before shaking his head and returning to the black board. turns out the answer was females.


"you guys going to hogsmeade?" hermione asked me while i clipped my fathers locket on my wrist.

"yup" i told her while popping the 'p' and throwing my leather jacket over my silky blue sundress, "last time going to hogsmeade, with the year ending soon there's no more designated trips."

she gave me a sad smile, "have fun lex."

"thanks mione, love you!" i called out while exiting the dormitory.

i descended the steps to the common room to find harry waiting for me next to the portrait.

"you look pretty" he told me while slipping his hand in mine.

i flashed him a large grin and squeezed his hand before we left the common room and started toward the one eyed witch statue.

we, of course, had brought the invisibility cloak in case we needed it. but for now we thought we would be fine. that was proven wrong when we ran into professor mcgonnagall in front of the statue.

"mr. potter, miss dior, what are you doing out of bed?" she asked sternly.

i looked to harry with wide eyes before slightly coughing and coming up with the best excuse ever, "just out for a stroll" i nodded. i was an awful liar.

she stared at us for a second, but i couldn't lie for my life, "fine! we were sneaking out to hogsmeade" i crossed my arms while huffing.

"lexie!" harry exclaimed as he threw his arms up.

"and how exactly are you planning to get there?" minnie asked curiously, trying to maintain seriousness.

"i can't tell you that" i shook my head before continuing, "please minnie, let us go! this is gonna be my last hogsmeade trip, there's no other scheduled ones, and i'm moving after this year!"

professor mcgonnagall dropped her arms and i saw a brief flash of sadness wash over her, "i see. be careful, and if you tell anyone i let you go i will give you detention for the rest of the year" she pointed a stern finger in our faces.

"thank you minnie!" both harry and i exclaimed before continuing to head to the one eyed witch statue.

after taking a very long stroll through the tunnel way we entered the cellar in honeydukes.

"crap harry don't-!" i started before harry ran into a large wooden crate.

we both froze and waited to see if anyone would come down. after two minutes of standing still, no noise was heard and we were able to head up the stairs.

per usual, i picked out a baggy and starting scooping little candies into it, "are you stealing?" harry asked with furrowed eyebrows while tilting his head.

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