chapter 25

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"okay and what are the ingredients for a forgetful potion?" mione quizzed me outside of the great hall.

"to be honest, i don't know" i shook my head exasperatedly, "the OWLS will be fine hermione, let's go" i grabbed her arm and dragged her into the large hall, harry and ron following behind us.

"goodluck, love" i pecked harry on the cheek, "you too ron."

"this is gonna suck ass" i groaned as hermione and i sat next to eachother. harry and ron were seated near the back due to their last names, but at least mione and i were near eachother, but she probably wouldn't let me cheat off of her.

with stern instruction from professor umbitch we began our OWLS.

around an hour later, and i was staring out of the window, bored. suddenly, there was a large bang out in the corridor, professor umbridge started heading to the front of the hall, only for the doors to burst open.

fred and george came soaring in on their brooms, throwing fireworks in the process. i swear i saw a brief flash of october flying away from the hall.

the twins threw one large firework towards the front, a large dragon erupted from the end, chasing after umbridge. the dragon ran into the corridor and straight into the wall with all of umbridge's 'decrees'.

everyone followed the twins into the courtyard as they kept throwing fireworks in the air. one ended up writing a large 'ww' in the sky. i looked around for my friends while laughing, finding harry on the ground clutching his head.

my heart stopped, "harry!" i screamed while dropping down next to him, "harry tell me what's wrong."


"what about him?"

"he's at the department of mysteries, voldemort's got him."

he collected himself before standing up and jogging into the castle, ron, hermione, and i following.

"where are we going?" ron asked.

"we have to get to sirius" harry explained.

"all the floo's are monitored, except for umbridge's" hermione informed us.

"okay so let's go" i nodded before we started jogging towards the sickly pink office.

we barged into the room and started our search for floo powder but we were interrupted by umbridge along with draco and his goons.

"and what do we have here?" the woman drawled out, "get them" she instructed draco and his goons. despite our fighting, they were able to grab hold of our arms and pin them behind our backs. we were stuck.

i was being held by draco, crabbe had hermione, goyle had ron, and harry was tied to the wooden chair in front of umbridge's desk.

"severus, do you have the veritaserum?" umbridge asked after professor snape had knocked at the door.

"i'm afraid you used the last of it on miss chang" he said with a distasteful face.

"he has padfoot" harry blurted, "he has padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

"what is he talking about?" umbridge asked frantically.

"i have no idea" said snape with a straight face before exiting the room. harry was still trying to free himself of the ropes that were binding him to the wooden chair.

"well i suppose if you leave me with no other choice, the cruciatus curse will make you talk" umbridge drawled out.

"what? that's illegal!" hermione yelled.

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