chapter 21

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"you ready?" i asked ron and harry as i walked over to them in the common room, mione following behind me.

"of course, everyone else just left" harry told me while standing up. tonight was our night quidditch game, and we were due to meet everyone else at the quidditch pitch in five minutes.

"can we please be careful? umbridge will kill us if she finds us!" mione begged. she wasn't wrong, with all the new decrees about what we can or cannot do, we were basically prisoners.

"yes mione, we'll be careful" ron reassured her.

we left the common room and set off for the quidditch pitch. when we made it there, everyone else already had their brooms, or ones they borrowed, and sat on the grass talking.

"i'll go get you guys brooms from the shed" harry told hermione and i before he set off at a jog to the shed.

"okay so let's make teams!" george clapped while standing up.

our teams ended up being; george, ron, ginny, and lee against fred, luna, harry, and i. unsurpringly, hermione wanted to be ref.

"harry" i called out as everyone started flying into the air, "i'm not good at flying!"

"you'll be okay! i'll catch you if you fall!" he yelled while taking flight.


i uneasily pushed off the ground, i was playing chaser which didn't seem all that hard, except for the fact that i don't know how to fly.

i bounded up to the top of the pitch while clutching my broom so tightly that my knuckles had turned white.

"hey lex" harry flew over to me smoothly, "calm down, you'll be fine."

"okay" i nodded slowly.

"okay, now go!"


"we won!" i laughed loudly as harry flew over to me, still high up in the air.

"we did" he nodded while laughing before he leaned in for a kiss.

i boldly lifted my hands up from the handle of the broom and planted them on his face as i kissed him back.

"oi! get down here you lovebirds!" ron yelled from the grass below us.

i pulled away from harry while laughing, "one more" he said before leaning in for a quick kiss.

afterwards we flew down and planted our feet on the ground.

"i hate flying" i shook my head while walking over to mione.

"that's why i chose to be ref."

"good call" i nodded, "can we go to bed now?"

"lexie watch out!" a voice called out, who i assumed to be fred, from behind me.

just as i turned around, harry came sprinting toward me, grabbed my waist, and threw me over his shoulder.

"harry what are you doing!" i screamed, "HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU LUNATIC!"

"love you too lex!"

i kicked my legs wildly as he kept sprinting around the field. harry, along with everybody else watching us, kept laughing at us.

but harry quickly made for the exit of the pitch, everyone else following us.

"where are we going?" i yelled.

"you'll see!" harry responded.

nobody else seemed to know either, but we came across an answer once we were near the edge of the black lake.

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