chapter 13

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"what should we do tonight?" ginny asked while flipping through a cosmopolitan magazine.

tonight was girls night, seeing as we were going back to school tomorrow. so ginny came to hermione and i's room and we kicked out ron and harry, much to their displeasure.

"you still haven't finished your summer homework, and we go back tomorrow ginny!" hermione scolded.

"boring" she groaned.

"do you guys wanna go out? we could go to the city, it's like right here anyway" i shrugged as i continued plucking my eyebrows.


"no!" hermione and ginny yelled out at the same time.

"come on mione! it'll be fun, we have to live at least a bit before we all die" ginny tried to convince her.

"she right you know" i chimed in.

mione looked between us two before sighing heavily, "fine we can leave at 9:30"

"yes!" ginny and i exclaimed at the same time before we realized it was currently 9:15.

i quickly threw on a jean skirt with a pink bralette and slipped on my bubblegum pink coverse. i shoved my wand in my little handbag and stood by the door, waiting for them to finish getting ready.

i heard two short knocks at the door and groaned, already knowing who it was.

i pulled the door open a small crack.

"what?" i asked.

"let us in please!" ron whined like a lost puppy, harry behind him with the same look on his face.

"nope it's girls night" i told them.

"lexie i miss you" harry whined.

"i miss you too harry, we can hangout tomorrow night."

"tomorrow we'll be at school!" ron added.

"we're ready!"ginny yelled to me before i turned around to look at the glammed up girls.

i pulled open the door as the boys looked at us with squinted eyes.

"where are you going?" ron asked after a minute of silence.

"out" i told them.

"out?" harry questioned.

"out" i repeated myself.

"apparently we're going to the city" hermione chimed in.

"can we come with? we can visit lane!" harry begged.

"we're not going to see lane, we can hangout tomorrow!" i told them as we exited the room, "love you guys" i kissed harry's cheek and then ron's before we left the old house, entering the dark night.

"where are we off to?" hermione asked.

"this way!" i exclaimed while pointing to a busy road.  we all started off towards the street.

there were plenty of cars parked around the street and one house had bright lights and blaring music coming from inside.

"what're they doing?" ginny asked while turning to look as us.

"it's probably a back to school party" hermione informed her.

"let's go in!" before they could respond i took their hands and dragged them inside.

we entered the large house to see kids standing around holding red solo cups and dancing.

"delia! so glad you made it! oh hi delia's friends" a tiny blonde girl greeted as she swung around her red solo cup animatedly.

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