chapter 7

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"this is like the millionth book i've read and nothing about holding your breath underwater" harry groaned as he slammed his head on the desk.

"watch out, you're gonna give yourself a concussion before tomorrow" i told him while trying to hold back my laughter.

"brilliant! then i won't be able to compete!" he grinned dramatically before i raised my eyebrows at him and his smile dropped, "let's just accept my fate, i'm gonna drown tomorrow."

"you are not going to drown harry!" i told him, although i wasn't very convinced myself. we had spent the whole day in the library and so far we haven't found anything.

he mumbled some incoherent words before picking up another book and opening it.

"miss dior will you please come with me, professor dumbledore would like to see you." professor mcgonnagall spoke as she walked up to our table, hermione was behind her with a frightened expression on her face.

i looked at the woman with wide eyes, "am i in trouble?"

"no, most certainly not. just come with me" i turned to harry who looked like he was about to throw himself out of the window. i threw my bag over my shoulder as i waved bye to harry.

i was worried he wasn't going to figure out what to do for tomorrow, what would happen? would he drown? they definitely wouldn't let that happen, right?

i walked through the corridors with professor mcgonnagall and hermione who was anxiously biting her nails. i nudged her in the side and gave her a look as to say everything is ok.

after professor mcgonnagall had spoken the password to the gargoyle statue, we entered the circular office. i had been in here a couple times before with harry, but it never got any less creepy. there were portraits on the far wall that were whispering to eachother. there were stone shelves lining the walls with peculiar artifacts, on the far side of the room was professor dumbledore, a young french girl who i knew to be gabrielle, and cho chang.

"miss dior, miss granger! now we can get started!" the old man snapped his fingers and everything went black.


i gasped as i shot out of the water. i looked around frantically, what happened?

oh shit, i was the treasure harry had to save! next to me was the french girl, gabrielle. i looked around and spotted the platform in the middle of the lake with people cheering. where is harry?

i helped get gabrielle onto the platform before hermione spotted me, she was also soaking wet.

"lexie come on! it's freezing in there!" she called out to me from the platform.

i stayed treading in the water, looking for harry, "where's harry?" i yelled.

"i'm not sure!" she called back. i looked around once more before going under the water, ignoring the protests of the many people on the platform.

i looked around in the foggy water for any sign of my best friend. i held my breath as i swam deeper. i could spot grindylows lurking in the seaweed, they looked vicious.

i spotted a head of hair through the seaweed, harry! i quickly swam over as i was losing my breath. the grindylows were trying to drag him under.

my wand, i need my wand. there's no way they could take my wand, right? i frantically felt around in my pants line, eventually finding the wooden stick. i held it and with as much force as i could muster shot a defensive spell at the grindylows.

they swam away, but i knew they would be back, i looked to harry who was practically unconscious. we had to get to the surface now or i would probably pass out.

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