chapter 15

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"hey harry" i smiled at him as he took a seat next to hermione, ron, and i in front of the gryffindor common room fireplace, "how was detention with umbitch?"

he shrugged in response while pulling his sleeves down, for the last couple of days he seemed different, sad, more distant.

i didn't want to pry, but i felt bad. hermione and ron broke into their own conversation as i turned to harry, "you can tell me anything, you know that right? i'm always here for you."

"thank you lexie" he smiled politely, but it didn't reach his eyes.

i could see the darkness in his eyes, it wasn't there before. he's just a boy, harry shouldn't have to think about dying of fighting a war. he's the same boy i met through my window when i was eight, he shouldn't have to worry about things like this.

his skin looked paler, and his eyes had dark bags under them, was he not getting much sleep?

"do you guys wanna play a game?" i asked them.

"what game?" ron questioned with a wary look.

"okay well i haven't thought that through but maybe the floor is lava or something?" hermione raised her eyebrow at my choice of games.

"the floor is lava? really?" she said while crossing her arms.

"sounds brilliant" harry smiled.


and so for the next hour and a half we forgot about the craziness that was the wizarding world and played the floor is lava, like children who didn't have a care in the world.


"are you okay?" hermione asked from atop her bed.

i kept tying my tie while standing in front of my mirror, "yeah, why?"

"i don't know, it's just you figure out you liked harry and that's not exactly like something you just move on from" she spoke slowly, "so i guess i'm asking, what do you do now?"

i sighed heavily, "i'm not exactly sure. it's not exactly like i can just make a move."

"and why not?"

"i can't act on this because he's my best friend, it would ruin everything" i told her as i plopped on my bed.

"but wouldn't it be worth it if he felt the same way?"

my head snapped over to face her, "that's not possible, i think i would realize if he had any kind of feelings for me."

"would you though?" she questioned.

"come on, let's go to breakfast" i stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder before we left the room.


"hey harry, has my mum written to you at all?" i asked as i sat down next to him in the great hall.

"no actually she hasn't responded to my letters either, why?" he asked.

"she hasn't responded at all, i'm sure it's no big deal" i shrugged. i'm sure everything is fine and she's just busy with something.

"halloween's next week, you guys are going to fred and george's party right?" ron asked through a mouthful of food.

"ronald, close your mouth!" hermione scolded.

"yeah i was planning on going, still haven't figured out my costume yet" i told them.

harry nudged my leg with his knee, sending a wave of goosebumps through me. he turned to face me, "i'm sure your costume will be amazing" he said sarcastically.

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