chapter 3

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death is such an odd thing. we're constantly on the brink of death, your lungs collapse, your heart stops, hard trauma to the head. but the timer always resets, giving you more time.

but what if it doesn't reset? you die, you vanish off the earth, unless your famous, eventually you'll be forgotten.

so what's the point? what's the point in being put on this earth? i think it's to live. i think we're supposed to make memories and have fun.

the answer probably changes depending on who you ask. if you ask someone who is constantly being chased by death, they probably won't have an answer. because how are you supposed to live when the grim is around every corner you turn?

i think that's how harry feels. like he'll never get a normal life, because of a stupid prophecy that was written when he was one.

sitting here, in the great hall, after dumbledore had called his name out after removing a piece of parchment from the goblet of fire, all i feel is sadness. another year goes by where he can't be a normal teenager.

"harry potter." dumbledore echoed.

i turned to harry to see his face of surprise, "harry you'll be okay. go on." i urged him.

he reluctantly rose from his seat and walked through the exit, the hall went into uproars.

"he's only 14!"

"he's a cheat!"

"diggory is the real champion!"

i felt so sad for harry, i know he didn't put his name in. he's already in the spotlight enough as it is, so why would he do this?


a couple days had gone by since harry had been called from the goblet of fire, i could tell he was being distant. i just needed him to know i was here for him.

i was quietly sitting in the common room writing to my mum about the years recent events.

dear mum,

hi!!!! i hope you're doing well, i know the house must be extremely boring without my presence, never worry, i'll be home for christmas most likely.

it's only been 2 months into school, and harry has already been put in the triwizard tournament. people have died in this tournament. i know he didn't want to participate, someone else must have put his name in the goblet. i'm really worried about him.

so far school has been going good, except for this completely nutter teacher we have. half the time i'm tempted to tell him to fuck off, but i restrain myself, out of the kindness of my heart.

i miss you so very much,
lexie x

i folded the piece of parchment neatly before giving it to hedwig (harry had let me borrow her).

i heard the portrait door open as i looked over and spotted harry.

"harry? what're you doing out it's nearly 2 in the morning." i scolded him.

"why are you still up? it's nearly 2 in the morning." he mocked.

"fair game." i shrugged, "i was writing my mum." i paused for a second, "harry i meant to talk to you before but i didn't get the chance, i know you didn't put your name in."

"really?" he asked with a surprised face.

"of course. you're my best friend i know you."

"sleepover night? i really miss them." he asked with hopeful eyes.

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