chapter 23

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i groggily opened my eyes and scanned my dormitory, i had just woken up from a seemingly long nap i had taken.

i stood up, refreshed myself, and realized dinner was going to start in half an hour. i exited my dormitory and started down the steps to the common room, just to see harry, hermione, ron, fred, and george sitting, and laughing together.

something about this sight struck a nerve in me, and i froze. i stared at them for a couple minutes.

"you're a nut job!" hermione snorted.

"mione i'm not lying!" ron laughed at her, while everyone else just shook their heads at him.

so this is how it's going to be after i leave? i didn't expect time to necessarily stop for me, but i didn't realize they would just move on with their lives. but again, why would they wait around for me?

i played with the silver ring on my finger, my ring from harry. would he move on? i know i will never love anyone as much as i do harry, but it's not like i'm taking a vacation. maybe he'll meet someone new, or find someone who can be with him. he deserves happiness.

i wiped a single tear that had fallen down my cheek and started back up the stairs, but this time on the boys side.

luckily, there was nobody in harry's dormitory, so i was able to sneak in and grab the invisibility cloak unnoticed.

i threw the velvety fabric over myself and tiptoed down the stairs. once i reached the common room i walked as silently possible as i could out of the portrait.

i was able to make it to the edge of the black lake unnoticed. i folded the cloak neatly and set it on the pier. i laid down next to it and stared at the stars.

"hey dad" i mumbled quietly, just loud enough for the stars to hear, "i know i'll never get to meet you, but this is the closest i'll ever be to you" i smiled sadly at the sky.

"why did you have to die? i needed you, i needed a father. and i get it wasn't your choice, but that doesn't mean i grew up with someone to teach me how to play ball, or to yell at boys about staying away from me." by now a river of tears had fallen.

i sat up and clutched my head in my hands, "i needed you."

i stayed like that for a couple minutes before i heard movement behind me, "hey" a feminine voice spoke, who turned out to be hermione.

i quickly wiped my tears and turned to her, "hi."

she took a seat next to be on the wooden dock, "i saw your feet under the invisibility cloak."

i nodded, "what's wrong lexie?"

"i'm moving to the states after school ends, and i just really wish my dad was here."

"you're leaving?"

i nodded sadly. suddenly, i felt her arms wrap around my shoulders tightly.

"everything is going to be okay" mione told me.

"everything is going to be okay" i repeated.


"october?" i yelled out into the empty corridor.

"hello" he said while flying up behind me, scaring me in the process.

"god, don't do that" i shook my head at him, "anyway, i have a question!"


"would you like to come to one of dumbledore's army's meetings?" i asked hopefully.

since meeting october, we had started talking more and i found out more about about him. i also told him about dumbledore's army, and my friends, which is why i wasn't too concerned about asking him to a meeting.

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