chapter 28

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"okay lexie, have fun!" my mum said in a fake cheerful tone as we stood in front of the train for ilvermorny.

"bye mum" i said quietly before walking away.

since moving, my attitude had not gotten any better. we had settled in easy but that doesn't mean i liked it here. i had exchanged a couple letters with ron and hermione but harry wouldn't answer. things weren't the same.

hermione explained that harry was still really upset about the break up, and that's why he wouldn't respond.

i boarded the train with my suitcase and began walking down the small corridor.

i accidentally bumped into a random figure before they turned to me, "watch where you're going, bitch."

i stared at her with wide eyes, "right" i rolled my eyes and walked away.

suddenly, my skin turned blue. i looked over to the girl i had bumped into, "welcome to america" she did a mock salute before walking off with her laughing friends.

i took out my wand and said the counter curse before finding my own compartment, and waiting until we arrived.


"welcome to thunderbird" a girl about my age walked into the common area. she had thin blonde hair and looked like she had other places to be rather than talking to the new girl, "i'm amelie wingle."

"lexie dior" i nodded.

"well i should get to bed," she eyed the empty common area, "if you need anything feel free to talk to me."

"thanks" i gave a small smile although it looked more like a grimace.

she started off into the dormitory hallway before stopping and turning to face me again, "people are cruel here, best to stay in the shadows" she told me before stalking off.

"lovely" i mumbled to myself.

this place was not cruel, it was demonic compared to hogwarts. the people were mean, the teachers were stern, and the food was awful.

i heard a small taping at the window, i stalked over and pulled it open. an owl i knew to be pigwidgeon flew inside with a letter.

i smiled to myself before quickly opening it,


we miss you!

we've just gotten back to hogwarts, snape has transferred to defense against the dark arts and professor slughorn has taken the spot of potions. i'm not quite sure how to feel about this.

harry's been in a bit of a slump lately, he wants to write you. he's just a bit heartbroken.

everything here seems a bit darker- i'm not sure how much longer we'll be able to owl eachother without interference.

miss you,

i smiled at the letter. i understand harry's heartbroken and all, and i am too, but i need my best friend back. i need they boy i met through my window when i was eight.


"you! you over there!" a boy from a larger group of boys yelled while running up to me in the corridor.

"do you need something?" i asked, bored.

"yea, wanna go out with me?" he questioned cockily. i could just see the confidence radiating off of him.

"no, i have- had a boyfriend." i paused, "we're still in love, he lives in london."

he rolled his eyes at me, "it's never going to work out long distance, one date with me and you'll love me instead" he winked. did he actually wink?

"fuck off" i mumbled before turning and continuing down the corridor, just for him to grab my arm and attempt to pull me back.

i turned around just in time to lift my knee and hit him where it hurt most.

he doubled over in pain as his friends watched with alarmed looks from down the hall, "ever pull that shit with me again, and it'll hurt a lot more" i told him before continuing down the corridor.

when i turned the corner i ran into none other than amelie, "i saw that" she said with a straight face.


"don't mess with them, they'll get you back just as hard" she shook her head.

"yea and why should i be scared of that?"

"listen, i don't know where you come from, but things aren't like that around here. but here, if you don't blend in you stick out like a sore thumb, and if you stick out like a sore thumb you get messed with. big time. i'm not just talking about them pulling your arm in the hallway, you seriously need to tone it down." amelie informed me.

"i'm sure i'll be fine" i shrugged before walking away.

where the hell did these kids come from?

harry's pov

"mate the party's about to start" ron told me while walking into our dormitory.

"i don't want to go" i mumbled from atop my bed.

"i know you miss lexie, but we just won a quidditch game, she would want you to celebrate" he attempted to persuade me.

i turned to face him, "is that all you think it is? that i just miss her?" i asked loudly, "my heart aches for her. she was my best friend, my girlfriend, the person i love!" i yelled before continuing in a calmer voice, "she left just like everybody else. so no, i don't want to go party."

"if you love her that bloody much, you could at least write her! you're not the only one that's heartbroken, she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to end things!" ron retorted before slamming the door to our dormitory.

i shook my head before turning to the window and watching the rain outside.

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