chapter 30

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as i followed the order into the great hall i heard harry continue talking, "you have a bit of a security problem, headmaster."

we all stepped into the hall and looked over the stunned faces of students.

the great hall wasn't the same as it used to be, it no longer brought me a sense of comfort. the torches were lit eerily and the tables were gone. the once beautiful place was a shell of what it used to be.

"i'm afraid it's quite extensive" harry continued, "how dare you stand where he stood. tell them how it happened that night! tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! tell them!" harry demanded while facing snape. by now the rest of the students had backed up and had stood next to the walls.

snape withdrew his wand quickly and pointed it at harry, just for mcgonnagall to push him out of the way and point her wand at snape.

they stared at each other with their wands withdrawn, nobody dare move yet.

mcgonnagall shot the first spell, and then another. she kept shooting them until snape was forced to fire back.

they fired at each other at a rapid speed until mcgonnagall knocked out the two death eaters at the front of the hall. with the simple movement of her wand, she threw snape out of the window.

the great hall burst into cheers as minnie lit the torches on the wall, bringing back a bit of warmth.

i walked up to harry and grabbed his hand, he looked to me with worried eyes.

"it's lovely to have you back" mcgonnagall told us as she walked over.

"you tok professor" harry responded, i just smiled at her in reply.

suddenly, everything went cold. my hearing blurred and i heard the distant sound of wind.

a high pitched scream came from a girl in the corner, she clutched her hands over her ears. another girl started screaming out as well.

"i know that many of you will want to fight" a cold voice started, "some of you might even think to fight is wise. but this is foolish. give me harry potter. do this, and none shall be harmed. you give me harry potter and i shall leave hogwarts untouched. give me harry potter and you will be rewarded. you have one hour." the voice finished.

everyone seemed to back away from harry by now, "what are you waiting for? somebody grab him!" pansy parkinson yelled while pointing a finger at harry.


i walked in front of harry and stood in front of him. hermione followed me, as did other students.

"students out of bed! students in the corridor!" filch came bustling into the hall while holding his cat to his chest.

"they are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot" mcgonnagall informed him. i had to hold in a snort at her response.

"oh" filch sighed, defeated, "sorry ma'am."

"as it happens mr. filch" minnie started, "your arrival is most oppurtune, if you would i would like you to lead miss parkinson and the rest of slytherin house from the hall."

"exactly where is it i'll be leading them to, ma'am?"

"the dungeons would do" she finished.

the hall broke into cheers at this, "yea minnie!" i called out.

the woman strolled up to us, "what is it you need potter?"

"time. i just need time" he informed her.

"we'll do our best" she nodded before leaving the hall.

"where do we start?" ron asked as him and mione appeared.

"we need to start searching" harry nodded.

we all left the hall with a plan in mind. everyone else had dispersed and prepared to start fighting. so this was actually happening.

i started following harry as he took a right, "what are you doing?" harry asked.

"following you" i answered quickly.

"no, they're after me, i'm not letting you get hurt in the process" he told me.

"harry, i go where you go" i said sternly. he accepted that and we started up the stairs to the ravenclaw common room.

"harry, lexie" luna spoke as she followed us up the stairs.

"luna, we don't have time" harry said quickly.

"please just listen" she tried again.

we kept climbing the stairs at a rapid pace, "harry potter and lexie dior you listen to me now!" she yelled out.

we both froze and turned to her with questioning gazes, "it's obvious isn't it? the diadem, there hasn't been a living person who's seen it, you need to talk to someone who's dead" luna explained.


after speaking to rowena ravenclaw, and searching through the room of requirement, harry and i had destroyed the diadem.

we were outside battling what felt like a thousand death eaters.

"difindo!" i yelled while dodging a spell.

harry seemed to be handling himself well enough, "petrificus totalus!" i sent the spell towards another death eater while avoiding a piece of falling stone.

"lexie you okay?" harry called out.

"i'm okay!" i responded.

the weight of taking on this many death eaters was starting to get to me, and i could feel myself starting to get tired.

"expelliarmus!" i powered through.

"lexie watch out-!" harry yelled, but it was already too late.

"sectumsempra!" a death eater called out while pointing their wand to me.

and almost in slow motion, the spell struck me in the chest.

the death eaters had disappeared by now, i'm not sure how because everything was suddenly a blur.

my knees buckled as a large gash sliced down my torso.

"lexie!" harry cried while rushing over to me, "i-i-i don't know the counter curse" he fumbled as he held me in his arms.

i could feel the blood soaking through my clothes. suddenly i felt so close to death.

"i can get someone!" he offered, "you're gonna be fine! please lexie, you need to be fine." he begged before a tear slid down his cheek.

"harry, i'm bleeding out" i mumbled.

there was nobody else who could help in the area, i had to face the truth.

"you're gonna be fine, you're going to destroy all the horcruxes, voldemort's going to die, and you're going to live your life, if not for you then for me" i told him.

"lexie no, we have our future planned, get a little house outside the city, get married in a small ceremony, and spend our lives together. you can get through this" he pleaded while brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"lexie please, everyone else has died. you can't die too, stay with me. please" he cried, "i can't live without you."

"i get to meet my dad" i smiled sadly.

"lexie no, lexie i love you, please" he cried out, still clutching my body.

and with one last breath i whimpered my final words, "i love you more than all the stars in the sky, harry."

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