chapter 2

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"hey lex, it's like noon." hermione told me while shaking me slightly.

"okay thanks mione" i grumbled. it was saturday so thankfully we didn't have classes

i sat up and looked around the room, all our other roommates had already left, leaving me to get ready.

at last i descended the steps into the common room and saw harry and ron sitting by the fire place.

"hi boys." i smiled as i laid down across the arm chair.

"hey lex." they replied in unison.

"does anyone wanna go on a walk?" i asked with hopeful eyes, i just wanted to be outside to be completely honest. the weather here would get cold soon enough.

"sure." harry replied as he stood up, we looked over to ron while waiting for an answer.

"i have to talk to mione, i'll catch up with you guys later." he told us as he headed for the girls stairs.

we left the maroon common room and started walking outside.

"remember that time we used that one passage to get to hogsmeade?" i asked him.

"yea actually, that was brilliant." harry smiled at the memory.

"we should do that tonight, you know, live a bit." he turned to meet my eyes, with a glimmer of surprise in his.


"yes really! we can go drink like 5 butter beers and get matching sweaters." i told him while trying to hide my laughter.

"that sounds fun, we're definitely doing that tonight." he nodded his head happily, "you're a crazy one lex."

"you know i actually have a note from you that says just that."

"i'm not surprised." we both shared a laugh.

we reached the black lake and both sat down in front of the water. we sat in silence for a couple minutes before i sighed heavily.

"does it ever look darker out to you?" i asked him.

"what do you mean?"

i shook my head lightly, "i don't know. the air it seems darker." i laid my head on his shoulder as i looked out at the gorgeous lake. 

"everything will be fine." he said as he took a deep breath.

"right we'll i should go finish my homework," i stood up and brushed off my clothes, "meet you in the common room at 9?"

"meet you in the common room at 9." he agreed as i trailed off back to the castle.

i spent the majority of the day catching up on homework, with the help of hermione of course. the time was now 8:55 and i had just changed into a light blue sundress with a cream colored cardigan, as i was finished getting ready i looked over to mione who coughed slightly.

"and where are you going?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"to the library." i responded in a slow tone.

"please just do not get a detention you've already had enough lex." she responded while rubbing her temples.

"got it, love you mione!" i grabbed my wand and left the dormitory for the common room.

i entered the common room to see harry sitting on the couch twirling his wand. next to him was his backpack that had the invisibility cloak, and the marauders map. he had showed me the invisibility cloak  in his first year, ever since we've been using it to sneak around. and then last year he got hold of the marauders map, it's honestly brilliant, we've also been using that to sneak around. the combination together, pure mischief.

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