chapter 20

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"lipstick or lipgloss?" i asked ginny and hermione, who were helping me get ready for my date with harry.

"lipgloss for sure" ginny told me, "if you kiss him your lipstick will get all messed up."

"for sure" hermione nodded.

i swiped on some lipgloss and put the little bottle in my blue mini purse. i quickly strapped on my blue heels and looked at the girls expectantly.

"what?" mione asked.

"what if i fall down the stairs in these?" i questioned while motioning to my heels.

"then we'll catch you" ginny told me reassuringly.

i nodded before grabbing my bag and exiting the room. i descended the stairs while holding the railing tightly.

at the bottom of the steps stood sirius, mum, mrs. weasley, and harry.

harry. he looked amazingly handsome in his button up long sleeve and jeans. his hair laid messily over his eyes in the most perfect way. all my nerves suddenly left my body, it's just harry. the boy i love, i have nothing to be worried about.

"you look gorgeous lexie" mum told me while grabbing my hand.

"you do look gorgeous" sirius repeated, "remember, no hands and be home by twelve."

"have fun dears!" mrs. weasley said happily.

"thank you guys" i let go of my mums hand and took harry's.

"you look beautiful" he told me quietly before we left through the front door.

"you look quite handsome yourself."

we swung our intertwined hands back and forth as we walked through the city. the sun was slowly setting, creating a beautiful view.

"so you're leaving?" he questioned.


"after this school year, are you leaving?" he asked while trying to keep a normal voice, although i could hear the sadness.

"yea, june 13th" i paused, "we don't have nearly as much time as i would have wished."

"but we have until then, let's make the most of our time left."

"and when i leave, we can owl each other, talk to each other through fires if i can figure out how sirius does that, and once i graduate i'll come right back." i told him quickly.

"then it sounds like we have a plan."

i gave him a small smile as we continued walking.

eventually, we arrived at the restaurant. the building was gorgeous, with fairy lights strung around the corners, fancy cursive writing on the sign, and large windows.

"come on" he ushered me inside the building, where we were led to a cute table by a window.

harry pulled my chair out for me as i hid my quiet laugh and took a seat, him sitting across from me.

"god this place is cute." i told him happily, to which he grinned in response.


harry and i giggled as we walked through the entryway to grimmauld place.

"all i'm saying is if the moon is cheese then the earth is an olive!" i continued while walking down the hallway to the living room.

"that makes no sense at all!" he laughed.

"i swear it does" i reassured as i dropped my purse on the coffee table, "cheese is simple, not much depth, like the moon. but olives have a lot of layers and flavor, just like the earth!"

"olives do not have flavors!"

"whatever, you're crazy anyway" i added while plopping down onto the sofa.

he stayed standing and staring at me.

"what?" i questioned.

"our date isn't over until you dance with me." he told me.

i smiled brightly before standing up and taking his hand. he pulled me in tightly, putting one hand on my waist, the other faced outward while still clutching mine tightly.

"oh look there's a record player!" i said loudly before letting go and starting over to the small box.

i put one of ABBA's records on and returned back to harry, resuming the same stance we were in earlier.

we swayed slowly to the upbeat music. his hands were warm and brought me comfort. the way our bodies melded together, you would think we were made for each other.

harry let go of my waist and spun me around messily, earning a large laugh from me.

he let go of my hand and started dancing wildly. i soon joined him and began moving around with a large smile on my face.

a minute later, a confused hermione and ron walked into the room. they soon joined us dancing as well.

i jumped up and down while my hair bounced with me. soon enough the song ended and we all collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"how was your date?" ron asked.


"lovely" harry and i both said at the same time, causing us to smile widely.

"yea when are you two gonna finally get together?" i asked, earning a large outburst from both hermione and ron.


"i'll see you once school ends lexie" sirius told me with his arms wrapped around me, "now go! annoy snape for me, will you?"

"i'll try my hardest" i laughed while pulling away, "bye uncle pads!"

"bye lexie dear!" my mom called out.

"bye mum!" i yelled back as the rest of the kids and i made our way onto the hogwarts express.

harry, ron, hermione, and i all took our seats in our usual compartment.

"we should do a nighttime quidditch game" i told them while kicking my feet up next to where hermione was sitting.

"a nighttime quidditch game?" ron asked curiously.

"yes! we could get fred, george, ginny, lee, and luna to all play! it would be so fun!"

"that actually does sound fun" harry chimed in.

"what if we get caught?" mione asked.

"then that sucks" i said deadpan.

hermione just stared at me, "seriously?"

"come on, it'll be so fun!" i begged.

"mione please! we can be on the same team!" ron told her.



"what do you think we'll do after all of this is over?" i asked harry as we laid in his four poster bed in his dormitory, "after voldemort's dead."

he thought for a minute before responding, "well hopefully you'll be able to move back to london, or we could move in together, in a little house, just outside of the city. we can get married in a small ceremony, just us, your mum, sirius, and hermione and ron."

"and we can have kids!" i added in.

"kids. and they'll have your cute smile and crazy personality."

"and your eyes and bravery."

"i can't wait to start my life with you." he told me sincerely.

"me either."

i gently pressed my lips to his in a sweet kiss that i hoped would be ingrained in my brain forever. the way our lips melted together. the vibrant green of his eyes. the smile he had on his face when we were together. i could go on all day about all the perfect things about him.

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