chapter 22

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"hello" i spoke loudly to a ghost who was looking wistfully out at the hogwarts grounds from the empty corridor we were in.

the ghost turned to face me suddenly, revealing a young man who seemed to be about my age.

"hello" he replied, "aren't you supposed to be in class?"

i shrugged, "i was on my way to defense against the dark arts, but i don't really fancy that class anyway."

"i didn't quite like that class either. although it has been a solid fifteen years since i've attended" the ghost laughed, "what's your name?"

"lexie, lexie black." i smiled to myself.

"i'm october grey."

the boy stuck out his hand in a joking matter, knowing i wouldn't be able to shake it since he was a ghost.

after i stared at his hand for a moment he laughed at me, "funny right? although i think my humor is a bit behind the times. your last names black huh?"


"haven't seen many black's around here since the 70's."

"yea well i haven't seen any grey's either."

"so who're you related to?" he questioned curiously, "bella, cissy, andy, siri, or reggie?"

i laughed at the stupid nicknames, "and why should i tell you that?"

"who am i gonna tell?" he stuck his hands in the air as if he was surrendering, "i'm a ghost, and it's not exactly like i'm going around socializing."

"fair enough" i shrugged while flipping my hair over my shoulder and taking a seat on the cold stone floor, placing my bag next to me, "regulus black."

the ghost flew over to sit across from me, and hovered criss cross a few inches off the floor, "ah, regulus black" i saw a wave of recognition flood over his face. 

"how long have you been a ghost?" i asked.

"since 1979."

"i'm sorry."

october shrugged nonchalantly, "it was my choice to die anyway."

i stayed silent for a couple minutes, out of respect. i didn't exactly know how to respond either.

"how come i've never seen you before?" i questioned while looking over to the brunette haired ghost.

"i like to stay in the shadows, observe people, even when i was alive i wasn't very talkative."

"do you have any ghost friends?"

"nope, i don't think i've introduced myself to any of them anyway."

"well consider us friends" i smiled happily, "so what house were you in?"

"slytherin" he shivered.

"that's a tough one."

"aren't you a slytherin, being a black and all" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"nope! second black ever to be a gryffindor" i smiled pridefully.

"your father would lose his crap if he heard that, not in a bad way of course" he laughed.

"you knew him?"

"no" he shook his head with a small smile, "you should go to class now little one" october told me while flying up to the ceiling of the corridor.

"i'm not a little one, i'm fifteen! and have you seen our dada professor?"

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