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"i can get higher than you!" a 9-year old version of lexie yelled out to harry.

"no you can't!" he retorted as he began to swing faster.

"what are you guys doing?" amelia dior questioned while attempting to hold in her laughter.

"swinging contest" lexie replied before returning her focus on getting the highest.

"i'm the highest! ha, i win!" harry taunted after flinging himself off the swing set.

lexie pouted and crossed her arms while mumbling a small, "whatever."

"don't be sad lex!" harry begged, "can i make up for it with a hug?"

"i guess" she mumbled quietly, still pouting.

harry wrapped his tiny arms around her before she started giggling, returning the hug.


"can i take this?" lexie asked while holding up a dark blue sweatshirt of harry's.

harry moved to the edge of his gryffindor four poster bed, "lexie, i have 6 jumpers, you already have three of them!" he laughed accusingly.

"they're just so comfy" she retorted, "you can have one of mine if it makes you feel better."

"i don't think it would fit" he chuckled to himself.

"try it!" she exclaimed before taking a light pink sweatshirt out of her backpack and throwing it to him.

he slipped it on, not without a bit of trouble, "i look crazy."

"light pink looks good on you." lexie commented.


"look it's raining!" lexie laughed while pointing out of her window.

"and?" harry asked curiously.

"i don't know, it just is" she shrugged, "isn't it pretty? and it sounds cool."

"i suppose it is pretty" he nodded.

"do you want to go outside?" she asked hopefully.

"but it's raining?"

"exactly! i think it'll be fun!"

the pair of kids walked outside and into the storm, creating a new tradition.


"hey harry" lexie walked down the stairs to the common room.

"hi lex" he greeted in response, "how come you weren't at dinner?"

"i ate all of my candy stash" she laughed, "it seems like it never runs out."

harry chuckled knowingly, "i suppose it never does run out."

"what's your favorite candy?" lexie questioned.

"chocolate frogs, why?"

"i just wanted to know" she laughed.


"i don't understand how this works" harry groaned while attempting to unknot lexie's hair.

"ouch! it's now that hard right over left, left over right" she explained, once again, how to plait hair.

"it looks so simple" he mumbled while separating her hair into three chunks again.

"okay, i think i'm doing it" he told her as he balanced the different pieces of hair between his fingers.

"you can do it" she encouraged.

harry tied off the end of the plait with a pink hairband before she looked at the pretty hairstyle in the mirror.

"it looks good!" lexie exclaimed.

harry pumped a fist in the air, "yes! i can plait your hair now!"


on may 1st, 1997 lexie black-dior died. she passed away in the arms of her lover, and her best friend.

the next day, harry killed voldemort, and the battle of hogwarts ended, not without claiming the lives of many.

harry never did get over his grief of lexie passing away. he knew another love would never consume him the way his love for lexie did.

hermione and ron had felt deep grief for their best friend, but were able to help each other through the pain, after they admitted their feelings of course.

amelia dior did not handle the news of her only child dying well, but she knew her daughter wanted to fight and she was glad she had the opportunity to do what she wanted most.

"do you have those boxes?" hermione asked as ron carried two boxes of harry's things out of the room.

"yea" ron mumbled.

"okay, there's just a couple things over there harry, don't forget" hermione reminded him before leaving the room.

harry was packing his stuff to move into his new flat, just outside the city. after the war he had moved into grimmauld place, but soon after realized he wanted a fresh start in a new place.

he walked over to the last couple of things laying on the floor and began piling them into the box, until he came across a framed photo of him and lexie passed out on the maroon plush couch in the gryffindor common room. her arm was lazily thrown over his waist as she laid on top of him.

he smiled fondly at the memory, "my lexie."

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