chapter 27

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i was woken by the rain tapping at my window. i surveyed the room, harry was sleeping soundly next to me with an arm thrown around my waist. hermione was sleeping on the couch, and ron was sleeping on the floor.

the rain was the most perfect rain i'd seen in awhile. the tapping was soothing and chaotic at the same time. i watched the droplets roll down the window slowly.

"harry" i whispered while nudging at him, "love, wake up."

"what?" he grumbled, "go back to sleep lexie."

"wake up, it's raining!" i whispered happily.

this time he slightly opened his eyes, "rain?" he quietly asked.

i nodded eagerly. he removed his arm from around my waist and sat up, his tired expression being replaced with one of joy.

"wanna go outside?" he asked hopefully.

"of course i do" i smiled before slipping out of my bed.

i quickly changed into a large t-shirt rather than my dads favorite jumper before we quietly tip toed down the stairs.

i pulled the door open carefully and we stepped into the night. i wasn't sure what time it was, but i estimated it to be around four in the morning.

harry grabbed my hand before we both ran to the street.

instead of our usual chaotic and fast paced dancing, we opted for a slow dance, just like we had done over the holidays.

i placed my head on his chest delicately as we swayed.


"you should apologize to your mum" hermione told me as i continued doing her makeup.

i shrugged, "i know, i think i'm just being pissy because we're moving."

"i know" she sighed, "this eyeliner is gorgeous by the way."

"isn't it?" i smiled happily at the fact that she liked it, "the pink looks good with your skin tone."

"you're too sweet" hermione laughed.

"final product" i grinned while spinning her chair to face the mirror.

"you're literally an artist" she complimented while looking at her reflection.

"why thank you, now i'm gonna go apologize to my mum" i smiled at her before exiting the room and heading to the sitting room.

"hey mum" i started as i took a seat on on of the plush blue couches.

"lex" she greeted drily while still reading her magazine.

"i'm sorry for walking out the other day. i'm just on edge with the move, i don't mean to be a bitch."

"it's okay" she set down her magazine, "i understand dear. go hang out with your friends now, we leave tomorrow."

i nodded before exiting the room.

when i entered my mostly empty bedroom harry and ron had joined hermione on the floor.

"i was just telling them, i think we could do the most amazing makeup on them" hermione giggled at the suggestion.

"oh, i totally agree" i nodded before letting a small laugh slip through, "i can do harry's!"

i grabbed his hand and pulled him into the chair at my desk.

"i'm scared" he admitted.

i lightly kissed him, "don't be!"

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