chapter 10

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i pulled open my little window to be greeted with a large gust of wind. i stumbled back slightly before stabilizing myself again.

"harry!" i yelled out loudly.

the boy looked towards his window from where he was seated on his bed. he smiled brightly while pulling his window open.

"lex!" he yelled back, just as enthusiastic.

"do you wanna bake a cake?"

he shrugged with a confused look on his face, "i guess?"

"great!" i shut my window and waited for his arrival.

five minutes later i heard the doorbell ring, i bounded down the stairs and pulled the door open.

"welcome to my crib harold" i greeted him.

"thank you very much lexold" he retorted with a straight face.

i pulled a confused face at the new nickname, "right!" i started walking to the kitchen as harry followed behind me, "so i was thinking we could bake a confetti cake, with chocolate frosting."

"sounds delicious, but have you ever baked anything?" he asked.

"not exactly, but my mum isn't here to stop me, so why not?" i responded while pulling the ingredients out of the pantry, along with a cookbook.

after situating all the ingredients on the counter, along with utensils, and flipping to the correct page in the cookbook, harry and i stood in two flowery aprons.

"okay so can you put 2 cups of flour in the bowl, and i will put a half cup of sugar?" i told him, but it sounded more like a question.

he nodded as he grabbed the right measuring tool and began scooping flour.

after i had dumped the sugar into the bowl i looked over to harry who was still clearly struggling with the flour.

"harry you're doing it wrong" i told him while attempting to help him.

"i can figure it out" he argued.

"just let me help!"

we both let go of the bag and the cup at the same time, sending the flour flying everywhere, covering us heavily in white powder.

all of our previous anger vanished as we looked at each other with our mouths wide open, before bursting into hysterical laughter. we fell onto the floor while still laughing loudly, not even hearing my mum entering.

"lexie" she whined in a childish way, "what did you do to our kitchen?"

i stood up while wiping the tears from my eyes, looking over the flour and now others ingredients that seemed to be covering every surface.

"well, you see we were trying to bake a cake" i told her slowly and cautiously.

"dear god" she pinched the bridge of her nose with her finger and thumb while sighing heavily, "i'll clean it up just- just go."

"love you mumsy" i told her while harry and i walked off to my room.

we entered my room in a fit of giggles, "did you see her face, she looked livid" i told him through my laughs.

"poor mimi, she can't even use magic."

after we collected ourselves we laid in my floor, still covered in flour. "i'm gonna go take a shower, you can take one after me if you wanna stay over tonight?" i asked while standing up and grabbing some pjs from my closet.

"sounds good" harry smiled at me.

i exited the room and walked into the bathroom. after taking a shower, brushing my hair, and changing into a comfy jumper and silk shorts i entered my room again.

"good morning" i told him as i took a seat on my plush bed.

"it's like 7 in the evening?" he questioned.

"whatever, that's what people usually say after they get out of the shower. there's extra towels in the closet but you already knew that." i told him before he walked off to the bathroom.

thirty minutes later he came back into my room, flour free and wearing the extra clothes he usually keeps here.

"i have an idea" i told him with a large smile.

"oh merlin" he mumbled.

i picked up a small bag of weed off of my desk and dangled it.

"you want to do drugs" harry asked slowly, confused.

"fred and george gave them to me sometime last year, and i totally forgot." i told him with a large grin.

"fine" he rolled his eyes as we took a seat on my wooden floor.

after i rolled the blunt, which to be honest i did have trouble with considering i was going off of what fred had told me to do, i took a large drag and passed it to harry for him to do the same.

after a while, the blunt was out, and i guess you could say we were stoned.

"do you think it's possible to like adopt a house elf?" i asked.

"that's a funny question" he responded as we continued looking at the ceiling.

"like i love chip, but he won't talk to me, maybe he's scared i'll tell people if he starts talking to me."

"yea that sounds like chip."

i stood up from the ground and steadied myself by holding onto the edge of my bed. after regaining my composure i walked over to my mirror, "do you think we'll remember this at all tomorrow?" i asked while running my hands through my hair and down my sides.

"probably not" he responded while watching me closely.

"i hope i remember feeling this good about myself."

"you should always feel good about yourself you-you're gorgeous" he slurred slightly.

"you're hot too harry" i told him, not realizing what i had said as i still looked at myself in the mirror.

and truth was, i wasn't lying, harry had matured a lot over the summer and was taller, his jawline was more prominent, and definitely more muscular, which was probably wrong to say about your best friend. but i didn't even know why i was thinking it.

i laid onto my bed and stared at the ceiling once again, harry joining me a minute later.

as he laid next to me his hand accidentally brushed my thigh.

"sorry" he mumbled while pulling his hand away.

"you don't have to be sorry" i told him, to which he looked at me with furrowed brows. i stared at him innocently as he placed his hand on my thigh.

he kept his hand there for a minute before he crept it up my inner thigh, almost to where i wanted him. the butterflies swarmed my insides as i resisted the urge to let out a moan.

"we should probably go to bed" harry told me.


"okay, goodnight lexie" he pulled his hand away and turned off the light.

i closed my eyes and entered a deep sleep, where i would completely forget what just happened.

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