chapter 26

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it had taken me around a week to be able to walk around like i was fine.

my spirit had faded, and so had harry's. things weren't the same, and we knew they weren't going to go back to normal anytime soon.

"hey handsome"i greeted while sliding into harry's four poster bed.

"hey lex" he replied, "i'm glad you're feeling better."

i smiled at him, "me too."

we sat in silence for a couple more minutes, "you're leav-" harry started before i cut him off.

"don't talk, i don't want to think about it" i nuzzled my head into his chest in an attempt to gain some comfort.


"who do you think the next dada teacher will be?" i asked.

harry thought for a minute, "i'm not sure, i just hope they don't try to kill me again."

"always a lovely time at hogwarts" i laughed.


i walked peacefully down the corridor where october usually took refuge, i was due to meet everyone else in the courtyard in fifteen minutes to leave for summer, but i had to say goodbye.

"october?" i called out, hoping he wouldn't be anywhere else.

"lexie!" he came floating over to me, "i've missed you!"

i smiled at him, "i missed you too. i have to go in a couple minutes, but i wanted to say goodbye. i'm not sure when i'm gonna see you again."

"i know lex, i know. you're going to do great things in life" he took a deep breath, "and i can say i know this because i was your fathers best friend."

"seriously?" i asked with tearful eyes. god, why am i crying again? i had cried almost every day for the past two weeks, enough with the tears!

"yea" he nodded "we met in first year, and we were best friends up until the end. hold on one second" he held up a single finger before flying around the corner and retrieving a black bag, "open it."

i looked into the bag before pulling out a large slytherin jumper, "it was his favorite, i've had it for a while, but i think you should have it."

i slipped the cologne scented sweater over my head, it fell to my mid thighs, but in a way i felt more connected to dad.

"thank you" i breathed out.

"now go, go and live your life, lexie black."

i blew him a kiss since i was unable to hug him and set off for the courtyard, receiving rather odd looks on the way.

crap, i forgot minnie!

i checked my watch and realized i had seven minutes until i had to meet everyone. i broke off into a run towards her office.

i knocked on the door rapidly before it was pulled open by an alarmed professor mcgonnagall.

"i just had to say goodbye" i told her before reaching up and hugging her tightly. she returned the hug, and it felt almost the same as when my mother would hug me.

"that's a lovely jumper, lexie" she told me with a little smile after i pulled away.

"thank you" i laughed.

"it was lovely knowing you."

"i could say the same" i checked my watch once more, "i should go, minnie please stay safe."

"i'll try my hardest dear, go on now" she ushered me away.

with one final glance i left for the courtyard.

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