chapter 11

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i always hated lying. it's such an evil thing to do, but yet it's so simple.

instead of saying words that might break somebody's heart, ignore the bubbling feelings of guilt and let them be peaceful.

i'm a truthful person, generally. that stopped after fourth year, i couldn't possibly tell her that voldemort had returned, and a war was brewing. she would lose her mind. instead of letting her worry because she couldn't protect me, i let her live in a peaceful bliss. oblivious to the cruel world outside of us.

sitting here in front of my mum eating a fancy dinner with her on my birthday i couldn't help but feel guilty, happy, but guilty.

"it's supposed to rain tonight you know, are you and harry gonna go out?" mum asked me.

"you know us so well." i grinned happily at her.

"it's such a beautiful thing to experience moments like those with your best friend, enjoy them." she flashed me a sad smile as we continued eating.

we sat in silence for a couple minutes until i spoke, "so harry asked me if i could stay at grimmauld place with him, hermione, the weasleys, and uh- his godfather. is it okay if i go?"

"who's his godfather?" she asked with a surprised look on her face, due to the fact he lived with his evil aunt and uncle.

i hesitated for a moment, i knew she should know that i was going to stay with my uncle, not that i was going to treat him as such.

"sirius black" i mumbled.

mum's head shot up to look at me, "sirius black? your uncle? how is that even- i thought" she stuttered, unable to form a complete sentence.

"professor dumbledore wanted harry to stay with his aunt and uncle, he just recently found out about sirius a year ago." i informed her.

she hesitated before responding, "it's okay if you stay there, as long as the weasleys are going."

"thank you mum!" i exclaimed.

i looked out the large window next to us as the rain broke through the clouds, and it started pouring loudly.

i looked to my mum with a large grin, "go on, go get harry." she encouraged me.

i bolted out of my seat and ran out of the house. i ended up on the front doorstep of the dursely's. i rang the doorbell, only for the door to be pulled open by none other than petunia dursley.

"you" she sneered, "what do you want?"

"could you please send harry out?" i asked, ignoring her rude tone.

she slammed the door in my face. i turned around and faced the street for a minute, i was already partially wet from walking over here, and i could feel the water dripping down my face.

at last harry stepped out of the house and walked over to me.

i grabbed his hand before we started off for the street.

"let's dance!" i yelled out.

"okay!" he yelled back with just as much enthusiasm.

i threw my hands up with a large smile on my face and started jumping up and down. we spun crazily on the street, ignoring the weird looks from our neighbors through their windows.

i would be lying if i said this didn't feel like a movie scene. we danced wildly as the rain soaked through our clothes.

i was so happy to be here with the boy i loved, dancing. boy i loved as in best friend- that's all it is.

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