chapter 17

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dear mum,

i'm not sure why you haven't been responding, but i miss you!!

harry asked if i could stay over at grimmauld place for the first 4 nights of the holidays, and then after that i would come home, is that cool?

i have exciting news!!!! HARRY AND I ARE GOING ON OUR FIRST DATE TONIGHT! i'm so excited and scared at the same time, but i think it'll be amazing. i'll tell you all the details when i get home!

i'm actually supposed to leave right now, so i'll see you during the holidays!

love you,

i sealed the envelope and handed it to hedwig, who soared out of the window.

"i'm scared" i told mione as i started pacing.

"don't be, you and harry have been best friends for like seven years, there's nothing to worry about" hermione reassured me.

"right," i paused for a second "well i should go" i slipped on my white canvas shoes that went with my silky blue dress, and then threw on my leather jacket before slipping out of the room.

i entered the common room to find ron, fred, and george giving a scared looking harry a strict talking to.

"hi boys" i said slowly while walking over to them.

"hey lex" the ginger boys responded in unison as harry stared at me for a minute.

"you- you look beautiful" he stammered. i smiled shyly at him before he stuck out his hand.

"no hands!" george called out.

"be back by twelve!" fred yelled.

"no funny business!" ron finished.

i stuck the hand that wasn't holding harry's up in the air with a thumb up as we left the room.

"where are we going?" i asked harry as we started down the corridor.

"you'll see" he smiled at me crookedly.

our hands stayed tightly clasped together as he lead me out of the castle and towards the pier on the black lake.

as we walked closer i was able to see better, there was a fluffy blanket draped over the wood, candles out lined the edges of the dock, and a wooden basket sat atop the blanket.

i grinned widely as we stopped in front of it, "if you don't like this we can go sneak into hogsmeade or something i'm not really-" harry started before i cut him off by kissing him softly.

after our short, but sweet, kiss i pulled away and smiled at him, "i love it."

"okay" we both took a seat on the blanket across from eachother.

he opened the cute wooden basket and pulled out a platter with chocolate lava cake on it.

"oh my merlin you're amazing" i said with a small smile.

he grinned in reply before handing me a fork and taking one for himself, for us to devour the cake with.

"i wonder how chocolate was invented" i mumbled.

"hm" he paused for a minute, "i don't know."

"we should research this subject later" i nodded.

"sounds like a plan" he laughed.


"i had fun" i told harry as we stood in front of the stairs leading to my dormitory.

"me too" he smiled happily.

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