chapter 12

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i entered the room i was sharing with harry, ron, and hermione, against the adults requests, to see them talking quietly with eachother. they turned to me with relieved eyes.

"hey guys" i said awkwardly, still standing in the doorway.

they responded with a chorus of hello's and hi's.

"i'm sorry for not telling you" i told them while sitting down next to them.

"you don't have to be sorry, your entitled to privacy." hermione started, "you don't have to tell us anything, only if you're comfortable."

i nodded as i looked down at my hands. i wanted to avoid this topic as much as possible, because the more i thought about him, the sadder i would get, which is exactly why i barely thought about it this summer. i silently played with the bracelet on my wrist.

"are you okay?" harry asked cautiously.

i sucked in a large breath as a couple tears fell down my face, i nodded while biting my lip tightly.

"i would give so much just to know him for five minutes, five more minutes" i continued staring at my hands until harry pulled me into a tight hug.

"i know lexie" he comforted me.


i woke up sprawled out on the floor... on top of harry? i pulled my arms out from around him and sat up.

i groggily rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. hermione and ron were laying on the opposite side of the room on the floor as well, their pinkies interlocked.

i looked down to see myself wearing a baggy blue shirt that belonged to harry and some white shorts, but honestly last night was a blur after i started crying.

god i hated crying, but i felt better now, like a weight had been lifted. i now know who my dad is, and about him, i'm finally able to accept the truth, and it felt good.

"morning lex" harry grumbled while sitting up.

"hey" i responded, "i think it's like six in the morning nobody else will probably be up yet, wanna go get breakfast?"

"sure" he answered. we left the room in our pajamas and started down the stairs.

"your hair is definitely a look" he told me as we walked.

"why thank you harold" boy was he right, my hair was in a... bun you could say? although it looked more like a nest.

we walked into what we thought would be the empty kitchen, but was filled with adults, including dumbledore, remus, uncle pads, molly, arthur, tonks, snape, and moody.

"oh hello" i scratched my head awkwardly as they all stared at us with wide eyes.

"please tell me you did not shag her harry" sirius pleaded while pinching the bridge of his nose.


"uncle pads!" harry and i yelled out at the same time as we began frantically shaking our heads.

"oh thank merlin."

"good morning dears!" molly came bustling over, ignoring uncle pad's comment, "there's some eggs in the kitchen, when your done will you please wake up ron and hermione it's already noon!"

oh... "of course mrs. weasley, thank you" i told her as harry and i walked over to the kitchen.


"dinner was lovely mrs. weasley, thank you" i told the woman politely as i put my dish in the sink, the rest of the kids following.

"oh it was no problem, really. you kids go on up to bed, it's already ten" she told us while waving us off.

we all started up the old stairs, "anyone fancy playing a game?" fred asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"oh god" hermione groaned.

"sounds fun" i chimed in.

"yea i'm in" harry added.

we all filed into harry, ron, hermione, and i's room and took a seat on the floor in a circle.

"i'll go get the alcohol!" george exclaimed.

"i'll get the veritaserum!" fred yelled out after.

they came back a couple minutes later carrying two vials and two bottles of fire whiskey.

"the rules..." fred started before gesturing to george.

"right! so if you choose truth you take a shot of fire whiskey with a drop of veritaserum in it, and if you chicken out of your dare, you're forced to do truth" he explained.

"got it!" i smiled happily.

"okay then" ron trailed off.

"miss dior! we believe you have some making up to do from not telling us baby black was your daddy" fred teased.

"please never call him my daddy again" i groaned.

"right that's reserved for harry" george wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, right as i was about to protest he spoke again, "truth or dare lexie?"

truth seemed good considering how crazy their dares are, but they would probably ask if i had feelings for harry, and although i didn't, i had developed a new feeling. i wasn't sure what it was, but it was there and with the veritaserum being involved i didn't want to take any chances. dare it is.


"i dare you to" fred looked around the room for a minute, "spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on."

i shrugged before picking up an empty soda bottle from the desk and placing it in the middle of the circle. i spun the bottle heavily as it started turning. as it slowed down it landed on... hermione.

i grinned, "mione i know you've always been dreaming of kissing me." i said sarcastically.

"oh whatever, just get over here" she rolled her eyes.

i walked over to her and sat down, so we were face to face. we leaned in at the same time and pressed our lips together.

what was supposed to be a simple kiss turned more heated as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. i climbed onto her lap to be at a better angle as we kept making out, forgetting the people who were watching us. i slightly grinded against her lap as she bit my lower lip.

we heard a slight cough behind us and we broke apart, trying not to laugh.

i looked behind me to ron and harry who were very red in the face, "jealous ronniekins?" i teased before mione and i broke out into laughter.

i climbed off of mione and sat next to harry who looked at me with his mouth agape.

"what?" i asked innocently.

"you just- nevermind" he said, dumbfounded.

after finding out ginny had her first kiss with neville, george is in love with angelina, and that ron had last pissed his pants a year ago. and also hermione dancing on a table while singing and fred doing a minute long handstand, it was harry's turn.

"harry truth or dare?" fred asked.

"truth" he said before taking a shot of fire whiskey with the veritaserum and grimacing.

"have you ever thought of shagging someone in this room?" fred asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

of course they would ask this, "yes" harry blurted before his eyes widened.

i snorted as he turned beet red at what he had just revealed.

"don't worry harry! we all know lexie is gorgeous" fred winked at me.

"he's right" i nodded sarcastically.

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