chapter 4

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it was currently friday and i had apparently slept in, but yet here i was casually walking down the corridors in my black skirt and white jumper. i had my bag slung over my shoulder as i played with my golden colored hair.

the corridors looked pretty around this time of year, serene. i liked the peace, but knowing who my best friend was, it wasn't going to last very long.

eventually i made it to transfiguration, i pulled open the doors with a loud creak as everyone turned to look at me.

i smiled brightly, "sorry minnie accidentally slept in." i told the class as i took my usual seat next to harry.

"miss dior, detention monday night in my office." the woman spoke strictly.

"but i have things to do," i whined as i placed my head on my hand, to which she responded with a stern glare, "fine fine fine." i grumbled, leaning back in my chair.

i laid back in my chair and zoned out of her talking, since today was double transfiguration we would be here for awhile. i looked over to harry and his drowsy state. i silently picked up his hand and became drawing in his palm.

"what're you doing?" he whispered.

i just shrugged in response and kept drawing on him until i could see him struggling to hold in his laughs. i chuckled to myself as i slipped my fingers into his, intertwining our hands, and returned to zoning out at the wall, ignoring his weirdly red face.

after 20 minutes i was suddenly bored with the wall, i pulled a piece of parchment, reluctantly letting go of harry's hand.

girls night tonight??
we haven't done one of those in so long & we can drink and have a dance party!!!!

i folded the piece of parchment into a paper plane and flew it to the desks in front of harry and i, where ron and hermione were sitting.

i could see her tense up and reluctantly write back, scared we were going to get caught.

a girls night sounds wonderful. although you shouldn't be passing notes in class, you could get another detention!

i figured you would wake up yourself, since you had a free period first, but anyway i'll be in the library after classes, so i'll meet you in our dorm at 9:00.

i smiled at the piece of parchment until another piece was thrown to my desk.

you two can only have a girls night if harry and i are invited :(

i laughed to myself before scribbling down a simple no<3.

eventually transfiguration ended, along with all my other classes later in the day.

i entered the large common room to find harry and ron sitting on the couch talking with eachother.

"hi boys!" i exclaimed as i took a seat in the comfy armchair.

"hey lex." they responded in unison. quite odd really, they always talk in unison.

"so, i was wondering..." i said slowly as they turned their heads, "do you guys have any fire whiskey?" now, usually people would be against letting us drink, considering we are 14. but hermione, the boys, and i have only drunken once before, and it was a blast. so why not do it again?

"if we do would you let us join girls night?" ron asked with hopeful eyes.

"maybe." i pressed a thoughtful finger to my chin while i pulled a thinking face.

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