chapter 18

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"do you have everything packed?" hermione asked as she buckled her trunk closed.

"yep!" i exclaimed, tomorrow we were supposed to leave for holidays, tonight was our last meeting for dumbledore's army until after we get back from break.

hermione turned to look at me with her arms crossed. i stared at her for a second before giving up and admitting the truth, "okay fine, but i only have a bit left to pack!"

"whatever you say lex" she shook her head exasperatedly.

"come on, we're gonna be late" i told mione before we both slipped on our shoes and left our dorm.

fifteen minutes later and we arrived in front of the room of requirement, we quickly slipped in through the door and joined the students standing next to each other.

"you want to channel your happiest memory, and let it fill you up" harry explained, "expecto patronum!" harry exclaimed as a silvery stag burst out of the tip of his wand.

the stag stood proudly before prancing around the room and landing in front of me. the creature nudged my leg with its head before disappearing completely.

harry turned to me with a grin, to which i returned happily.

"okay now everyone else try" he turned to face everyone else once again.

i clutched my wand tightly while wracking my brain for my happiest memory.

first, a memory of my mum and i at the grocery store late at night popped into my head. that was one of the best days of my life, getting to spend time with my mum, but it wasn't strong enough.

then, i remembered my first date with harry. the way he pushed my hair behind my ear and looked me in the eyes. the way he smiled at me. the way we both looked at the stars.

"expecto patronum" i mumbled quietly while pointing my wand forward.

suddenly a dolphin burst out of my wand, the dolphin began swimming through the air of the room. people stopped and watched the silvery mist roam.

just as fast as the dolphin appeared, it was gone. harry was looking at me with excited eyes before he came over to me and gave me a side hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"that was amazing, love" he whispered in my ear, causing me to blush slightly.

"okay everyone, you all did amazing today!" harry said loudly while stepping away from me.

"we won't be meeting until after the holidays, but i think we're all doing really good!" he finished up, before everyone else gathered their things and left the room, harry and i following.


i opened my eyes to see a pacing hermione in front of my bed. i rubbed my eyes before speaking, "what's wrong mione?"

"the weasleys and harry said there was an emergency, they're at grimmauld place" she said worriedly.

i furrowed my eyebrows before she handed me a piece of parchment with frantic writing on it.

there was an emergency, see you at grimmauld place tomorrow, we brought harry with us
- ron

"i'm sure everything is fine" i reassured her, "we'll go back to grimmauld place and everyone will be fine."

"okay, yea, everything will be fine."


"hey hermione, lexie" tonks greeted. we had just exited the hogwarts express, and apparently tonks had been sent to pick us up.

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