chapter 9

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"that man is your father." mum started, "this photo used to be of two brothers. they weren't close, they weren't allowed to be, but deep down they loved each other."

"i met him at a record store, but he wasn't allowed to be there. he was a wizard and i'm a muggle, his family wouldn't let us be together." she sighed heavily, "we didn't care, we were so in love. we got engaged and i found out i was pregnant. the night i was going to tell him he was caught up in some business involving someone called the dark lord, and he was killed."

"he used to wear that locket, holding the photo of his brother and himself, refused to take it off. i haven't seen this locket in 15 years."

"would you mind telling his name?" i asked with hopeful eyes.

"regulus black."

it suddenly all made sense. why sirius would look at me weirdly, why the professors seemed to be keeping a close eye on me. why when i was sorted the staff table looked deep in thought.

"his brother is sirius black?" i questioned.

"yes" a tear rolled down her cheek, "i'm sorry for not telling you." she handed the locket back to me, which i clipped back onto my wrist.

"it's okay, i'm gonna head to bed. i just wanna think." i stood up and headed off to my room.

i entered my room and closed the door quietly. i pressed my back against it and slid down while clutching my head in my hands.

i opened the locket of my father, i was glad to have a piece of him, but i couldn't deny it hurt knowing he was dead. a part of me hoped he would at least be alive, not just gone for good.

hold it in lexie, if you start crying, you'll never stop. so i took a deep breath and stood up.

i spotted harry throwing his snitch up and down while laying on his bed.

i pulled out my white notepad and a large pink sharpie and started scribbling.

harry james potter
get ur ass over here i'm lonely

i knocked on my window to get his attention before he looked over to me with raised eyebrows. i held up the large notepad with a large grin as he laughed and left his room.

"hello" harry said in a sing-song tone when he entered my room and took a seat next to me on my bed.


"i saw mimi downstairs, she seemed a bit upset is everything alright?" he asked with furrowed brows.

i didn't exactly want to tell anyone about finding out about my father, too many questions i didn't have the answer too. so against my better judgement, i lied.

"no everything perfectly okay." i smiled at him in an attempt to convince my best friend.

"okay well i'm tired, so goodnight" harry told me before he closed his eyes and dipped into a deep sleep.

truthfully, i wasn't tired. my mind was spinning, what business was my dad involved in? could i even call him my 'dad' if i didn't know him?


"harry!" i yelled through my window to the boy who was trying to ignore me and fall asleep.

"what?" he asked as he looked up at me with an exasperated face.

"wanna go to the city?" i asked with raised eyebrows.

it had been around a week and a half since i had decided that pushing the news of my father out of my head was the best idea. things had returned to normal with my mother, and i was itching to do something crazy.

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