chapter 6

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"do you like this hairstyle?" i asked hermione as i pinned two piece of hair out of my face.

"i love it!" she exclaimed.

currently we were preparing for the yule ball tonight, i was finishing up my hair and then i was planing on changing. i had already finished my makeup, a simple look with lipgloss.

i finished securing the pins on the sides of my head as my slightly curled hair cascaded down my shoulders.

i walked over to my bed and slipped off my robe, and slipped on my elegant dress, slipping on my silver heels (they matched my hair clips along with my butterfly necklace).

i walked over to the mirror, and even i couldn't deny it, i looked gorgeous. the dress flowed perfectly down to my feet, but not so much that i couldn't walk right. my heels shimmered just right in the lighting.

"you look absolutely stunning lexie!" hermione exclaimed as she pulled on her own blue dress.

"says you!" i called back as i looked over her perfectly curled hair that laid on her shoulders, to her ruffled periwinkle dress.

"you're too kind. okay let's go!" she told me as we quickly slipped out of our dormitory.

hermione was supposed to meet her oh so mysterious date outside of the great hall. as i was luna. so we started for the great hall, passing along many other dresses up students.

i was about to walk down the stairs before hermione quickly pulled me behind a corner with a panicked expression.

"lex, i don't want to go." she told me, "we can go back to our dorm and watch a movie or something." the worried girl nodded to herself.

"mione, everything is okay. we're gonna have a lot of fun and everything will be fine." i told her with a small smile as i grabbed her hand and led her to the staircase.

i gently grabbed the sides of my dress as i descended the stone steps. i spotted harry standing next to ron, ron was obviously gawking at hermione. my eyes met harry's, he looked so handsome. his tux fit him perfectly, and his hair looked so soft as it laid across his forehead, i didn't know what to say.

"i- uh lexie you look beautiful." harry told me in the breathless whisper.

"you look rather handsome yourself." i smiled at him as a straightened his tie. "i'm gonna go find luna, save me a dance later?" i lightly pecked his cheek before walking over to luna.

luna looked absolutely stunning, she was wearing an enchanted blue dress that had long sleeves, and ended at her ankles, decorated with butterflies around the edges.

"hi luna! you look stunning." i smiled brightly at her.

"you look gorgeous yourself." she smiled airily at me.

i took her arm as we entered the great hall. the hall was decorated beautifully, there were christmas trees decorating the sides, along with crystals hanging from the ceiling. it looked magnificent.

we watched the four champions enter and start dancing, apparently mione had been asked by viktor krum, good for her. harry kept tripping on his own feet and stepping on poor parvati's feet.

i had this weird feeling while watching them, i should be out there with him, not in a romantic way of course, no, but as his best friend.

i took luna's hand as we begun dancing elegantly alongside everyone else. she spun me around every now and then making me laugh loudly.

eventually, instead of the traditional music they were playing the weird sisters started playing.

luna and i headed for the front and began dancing wildly, i threw my hands up and started moving my body to the beat. the smile on my face didn't fade once as we danced for an hour.

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