chapter 29

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a year and a half later

it has been two years since i have seen my best friends. things had gotten so bad in london that we could no longer communicate after the first month of sixth year. i haven't talked to them in a year in a half.

i missed harry with every bone in my body. i had done my best to keep him out of my mind, but i couldn't deny the ache in my heart.

ilvermorny was just as bad as i had pictured it, the people here were awful. i had stayed friends with amelie, but she wasn't like harry, ron, or hermione.

i had no idea what was happening in london, i hadn't been receiving the daily prophet.

i sat on my bed in my dormitory at ilvermorny completing some last minute homework when amelie entered the room.

"transfiguration?" she questioned drily, to which i nodded, "that assignment was hard."

"yea, it is" i continued scribbling.

"oh a letter came for you at breakfast" amelie told me while pulling an envelope out of her backpack and passing it to me.

i smiled thankfully before i opened the letter carefully and started reading,


things are bad here. i know it has been a long time, but you need to come to hogwarts. harry, ron, and hermione have been on the run for almost a year, they were spotted in hogsmeade a day ago. professor snape killed dumbledore, and took over as headmaster.

if harry, ron, and hermione make it to hogwarts the battle will start. please lexie. we're in the room of requirement.

ginevra weasley

my eyes widened after i finished reading the letter. i need to go.

"i forgot, i need to grab this one book from the library" i told amelie before i grabbed my wand and rushed out of the room.

i was able to go through the halls quickly due to the fact that it was almost curfew so most people weren't out. at least that's what i thought before i reached the exit to the castle.

"where do you think you're going?" the boy who had asked me out when i first arrived at this school asked, who turned out to be ben anders.

"shit" i mumbled while turning around. ben stared at me with raised eyebrows and that cocky look of his, "look i really didn't want to do this." i mumbled before i shot a body binding curse at him. his limbs tightened before he fell back, onto the floor.

i opened the grand door and slipped through it, and into the night. there was a nearby village i could use to floo to hogsmeade, it wasn't the best plan, and apparating would be faster. but i hadn't passed my test yet.

i've done good on all my practice rounds, i could easily apparate to hogsmeade and it would take less time.

i clutched my wand tighter and remembered everything they had taught us about apparating. all i needed was to focus.

i pictured hogsmeade village clearly in my head before i felt myself being pulled.

i landed on a cobblestone road in the village. i clutched my stomach and stayed hunched over for a minute or two before i recomposed myself.

i was in hogsmeade. the familiar village was emptied. it seemed everyone had left, leaving it a shell of what it used to be.

i turned to my left to see hogwarts. the once beautiful castle now looked dark and eerie.

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