chapter 14

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"umbridge more like umbitch" i grumbled while throwing myself on the maroon couch in the common room, harry, hermione, and ron all plopping down into their own seats.

"pink toad bitch" ron groaned.

"can't believe i have detention with her tomorrow" harry whined while rubbing his head.

i laid my head on harry's shoulder, "i'll snap her neck for you harry" i smiled innocently.

"that's so sweet of you" he exclaimed.

"shh" i put my index finger to his... soft lips to silence him, "too loud, i need sleep."

"i'll take her to bed" hermione spoke while standing up, "i have a prefects meeting tomorrow at seven in the morning anyway."

"lex, tomorrow will you stay in my dorm, you still haven't made up for when you ditched me on your girls night" harry grumbled while i stood up.

"anything for you harry" i told him before walking up the stairs, hermione catching me as i slipped a step.


"you're so gorgeous" harry mumbled as he pressed his lips to mine again.

he cupped his hands around my jaw as i climbed onto his lap to straddle him. our lips moved against each other's in perfect sync.

i felt something growing beneath my thigh and slightly moaned into his mouth.

he took one of his hands off my jaw and started creeping it up my thigh, sending shivers down my spine.

i ran my hands through his hair as he slipped my underwear off and...

i shot awake with my eyes widened.

what the fuck. did i just dream about harry? i've never dreamt about ron or hermione like that, why harry? i mean i'm not complaining but, this is just weird.

i need to find mione. i checked the clock to see it was 8:00, the prefects meeting should have just ended and classes started at 9:00.

i threw on my uniform, brushed my hair, did my makeup, grabbed my bag, and left the dorm while still putting my shoes on.

i sped through the hallways before i entered the great hall, hermione was silently reading the daily prophet by herself while eating breakfast.

"i had a sex dream" i frantically whispered as i sat next to her.

"okay" she said slowly, not looking up from the newspaper, "who was this sex dream about?"

"harry" i admitted.

her head shot up to look at me, "you had a sex dream about harry" she whispered quickly.

"i had a sex dream about harry" i whispered worriedly.

"who did you have a sex dream about?" ron asked as him and harry sat across from hermione and i.

hermione spit out her orange juice as i looked towards them with wide eyes, "nobody" i shook my head frantically.

"really?" harry asked with his eyebrows raised.

oh god, did he hear me?

"i didn't have a sex dream. no of course not, child of god. oh look at the time" i glanced to my bare wrist before standing up, "i need to... study" i quickly gathered my things and sped off.

i headed to transfiguration, even though it started in 30 minutes. i wandered through the empty corridors and started thinking.

talking to hermione didn't necessarily help because we were interrupted by the boys, i should ask her what this means later.

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