Ashlyn's POV
It was finally Friday, meaning I'd finally get a break from this new school. The classes were alright, but the people were mostly closed off. It wasn't uncommon to be told you're weird for being in theatre, but I hadn't experienced it until now. Rehearsals for the spring show had already began, so I hadn't been able to audition. I was stuck in tech, which was fine, but it was hard to make friends there.
Eating lunch alone, I tended to ignore anyone who walked by, until a boy sat by me. "Hi." I said. "I'm Ashlyn."
"Hi, I'm Jacob. Are you new here?"
"You're in theatre, right?" He asked me, receiving a nod. "Me too. Ensemble."
"Tech. Though I normally act."
"I aways try out, but I never really get any big part." Jacob sighed.
"That sucks." I nodded. "Good luck. Uh, next time, I guess." I added, to which he laughed.
"Thanks. Too bad it's in months."
"Yeah." I nodded.
"I've gotta get back to my table— you're welcome to come." He offered.
"Thanks, maybe tomorrow, but I'm good." I smiled. He nodded and I watched him go back to his table, holding the hand of who I could only assume was his boyfriend.
I started walking to the trash can, before getting tripped, but I managed to keep my balance, finally used to it. There were still snickers from beside me, but I rolled me eyes. "Yep, so funny!" I exclaimed sarcastically. I probably should've ignored them, but I was annoyed.
"Hey, dad?" I walked in his room. "Are we able to drive to Salt Lake this weekend? I know it hasn't been that long—"
"Maybe. I'll talk to your mom."
"Thanks." I nodded, trying to avoid getting my hopes up. I went to my room. I probably missed everyone more than I should have. It had only been a little over a week but I really took East High for granted. Receiving a call from Big Red, I picked up. "Hey."
"What's up?"
"Not much. Finally met someone nice, though. Hopefully will find a friend."
"That's great." He smiled, resulting in me doing the same.
"What's up for you?"
"Homework. Boring stuff." He shrugged.
"Yeah." I nodded. "How's the musical going?"
"Pretty good."

Family Troubles || Redlyn
FanfictionBig Red and Ashlyn have been dating for about a month, but there's still a lot they don't know about each other, and plenty of drama to come. This can be following the finale or my other fanfics ("Moving Forward || Redlyn" and "Wait || Redlyn"). No...