Big Red's POV
"Thank you." I smiled. "Now let's enjoy the night."
"Sounds great." Ashlyn laid in the grass. I laid beside her.
"It really does." I looked at her. She didn't notice, looking at the stars. After a minute, I spoke again. "I know you hate cliches, but would it be too cliche to say I'm enjoying the view?"
"Who doesn't like stars?"
"Ash." I nudged her, and got her to look at me. "I'm looking at you."
"It's cliche for a reason."
"That's a yes?"
She laughed. "Mhm." She laid her head on me and resumed staring at the stars. I looked at them too, often glancing at Ashlyn instead. She was completely consumed in the stars. I couldn't focus on them as much as her. I don't think anyone could. She loved stars. "Biggie, can we stay here awhile?"
"Of course."
"Good." She smiled.
We laid there in mostly silence, a little smile on both of our faces, for an hour. I was half asleep, but Ashlyn was too distracted by the stars to get tired. "Ready to go?"
"Sure." I nodded, yawning. She took my hand and we walked back to my car. I started driving.
"I can't wait to drive." Ashlyn said.
"It's actually not that exciting."
"I know. But sometimes I can be alone instead of having a ride with someone else. Or I can give someone else a ride. I'd drive if I could right now, you look really tired." She told me.
"That's... sweet."
"I guess so." She smiled.
We drove up to her house. "Goodnight. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I smiled.
"Night." She left.
We were at lunch the next day. Apparently EJ and Madeline's date had gone well, because they were sitting together again. Ashlyn was biting her lip, staring at the table as she ate. I sighed.
"What?" Ashlyn asked.
"Nothing." I said. She nodded. This is how our small conversations had been going today, and I hated it. "Is it what you said or that they're dating?" I whispered.
"Both." She looked at me. "I don't know how to apologize. I'll just dig myself into a hole. Because I didn't mean it... but I do spend so much time just... helping him."
"Come on, he'll forgive you. We talked about this." I kissed her forehead.
"Hopefully." She smiled sadly.
"Plus, they'll break up soon enough." I whispered.
"I don't need a ride today." Madeline told me as we walked out of school.
"EJ's giving me one." She said, making her way to EJ's car.
"Oh... okay, bye." I mumbled, going to my car.

Family Troubles || Redlyn
FanficBig Red and Ashlyn have been dating for about a month, but there's still a lot they don't know about each other, and plenty of drama to come. This can be following the finale or my other fanfics ("Moving Forward || Redlyn" and "Wait || Redlyn"). No...