Ashlyn's POV
The night after I talked to Big Red wasn't the best night of sleep. At this point, that didn't matter, because another week had passed.
That meant two weeks without the love I think will last a lifetime, plus the dread we'll be stuck without each other forever (which would definitely take back the whole love of a lifetime thing).
"Hey, Ashlyn, could we please talk?" Big Red asked during rehearsal. I froze.
"I don't think we should..."
"I just... don't." I said simply.
"You know I love—"
"Don't say it, do not say it." I told him harshly.
"You know what I'm saying, what's the difference?"
"The difference is that I'll want to hear it more. I'm trying to get used to not hearing from you. Especially something like that."
"Can we go to the hallway? This is too public for an argument like this." He said.
"No, there's no argument, we don't even need to talk."
"You can't ignore this... it'll make it worse... it always makes it worse for you Ash..."
"I'm working past it." I stubbornly crossed my arms.
"Can we at least talk a little? Not about us, about... well, yes, us... but I don't know how to handle all of this, and no one's been able to help. You've always been the most calming and helpful for me..." he said softly. "And I know you're hurting too... you're almost crying..."
"I... I..."
"Come here." He said quietly. I followed him into the hallway where he wrapped me in a hug. I broke down into tears. "It's okay... if me bugging you has caused any of this, tell me and I'll stop, I've just been able to tell you hate this too... so I don't want to let you ignore all of this... but if you really don't want me to talk to you or whatever..."
"Be quiet." I cried, pulling him closer as I cried onto him. "You know me too well, you know you're right, I'm a mess."
"You aren't a mess."
"I'm a mess." I repeated.
"Fine, but if this qualifies as a mess than I'm also a mess. A huge mess."
"I'm sorry I caused that." I apologized guiltily.
"None of this is your fault." He assured me.
"Okay, but it's my parents'. And I'm so mad. I barely even talk to them, and I know that's my fault, but I can't work up the nerve to make our relationship normal again. It hurts to ice them out. It hurts to ice you out. I love them, I love you." My tears only sped up.
"Things will work out. But make up with your parents. It'll make you happier, and probably ten times easier for us to ever get back together."
"I guess you're right." I nodded weakly. "Um... thank you."
"Thanks for... letting us talk."
"Yeah, no, of course." I nodded frantically. "Guess I just needed some sense knocked into me." I forced a weak laugh.
"I really miss you." He hugged me a little tighter.
"I miss you too."
"Ash, we're running the scene." EJ called from the doorway, unable to see what was going on.
"Thanks." I called back, sniffling when he left.
"Guess we should get back in there." He said. I pulled back from the hug.
"I'll see you around, I guess?"
"Yeah." I repeated.
"Bye." He made it to the doorway, while I was stuck where I was watching him.

Family Troubles || Redlyn
FanfictionBig Red and Ashlyn have been dating for about a month, but there's still a lot they don't know about each other, and plenty of drama to come. This can be following the finale or my other fanfics ("Moving Forward || Redlyn" and "Wait || Redlyn"). No...