Big Red's POV
"Ash, how are you?" I said softly, sitting next to an (until I talked) asleep Ashlyn.
"What are you doing here?" She mumbled, sitting up slowly. It was a fair question, we were at EJ's house.
"Well, EJ told me that you would be here in the morning so I could pick you up here instead of your house. And I wanted to check on you." I explained, putting my arm around her.
"He did?" She looked around. "Give me a minute." She got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, where EJ was eating breakfast. I could still easily hear them. "Good morning."
"Morning." He said, taking a sip of his drink.
"You could've just taken me to school."
"Last night you told me Big Red was busy. I wasn't your first choice for comfort, which is totally fine, I'm not always great with feelings, and he was." He started. "You fell asleep here, I figure your problems won't go away in one night."
"I love you." There was silence where I assumed she hugged him, then she came back and sat by me. "Thanks for coming." She smiled slightly.
"Of course." I smiled. "You should probably get ready for school."
"Shoot, I don't have any of my stuff!" She groaned.
"I picked up your backpack from your place."
"Thank you!" She hugged me again. EJ walked in.
"And lucky for you, being super close cousins means accidentally leaving stuff over all the time." He handed her some clothes she must have left over once.
"I love you both!" She exclaimed as she went into the bathroom to change.
"You too!" I replied. "Thanks for telling me, I was kinda worried." I said to EJ.
"Seemed like she wanted you." He smiled. "Anyways, I've gotta be at school early, Ash can lock up, she has a key."
"Bye." He left. Ashlyn came out.
"How do I look?" She asked dramatically, joining me on the couch again.
"Not dressed for the weather." I responded, taking off my sweatshirt and throwing it onto her head. She put it on.
"I'm being pampered this morning." She leaned on my shoulder. I smiled at her.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm good, honestly. I think a change of scenery was nice. You and EJ were wonderful. I'm good."
"So glad to hear it. Grab some breakfast." I suggested.
"Have you eaten?"
"You must have gotten up at the crack of dawn, you've done so much." She joked, going into the kitchen and pouring a bowl of cereal. I followed her.
"But you're easily worth it." I kissed her cheek.

Family Troubles || Redlyn
FanficBig Red and Ashlyn have been dating for about a month, but there's still a lot they don't know about each other, and plenty of drama to come. This can be following the finale or my other fanfics ("Moving Forward || Redlyn" and "Wait || Redlyn"). No...