Chapter 13

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Marinette looked at him for a second in disbelief all this time, all the times she stuttered and tripped over her own feet only because he was in the room.

"Marinette? Please say something or...." Adrien was cut off.

"I like you too" came a small but sure voice. These words filled Adrien with so much joy he wanted to jump up and down and cry at the same time. But Mari needed him. She sat up from her slumped position on the couch and leant foward to wear Adrien was sat and hugged him. He hugged back.

Some time passed and Natalie knocked at the door. "Adrien it's time to come home your father will be worried" came the voice from behind the door.

"Ok, sorry Marinette I have to go I'll be back tomorrow if that's alright?" Marientte nodded her head and smiled. Adrien now stood up and bent down and gave her another hug and left for the door.

*In Adriens room hes just got back*

"Can you believe it Plagg I have a girlfriend. I actually have a girl friend"
"You sure do kid, now all this romance is making be hungry I need camembert."
"Wait- Plagg havent you noticed their hasn't been an akuma attack in over a month? What do you think is going on?"
"Maybe hawk moths just given up"
"I doubt it not without a big fight, also I havent heard from Ladybug ina while do you think shes okay?"
"I'm sure shes fine, dont worry you should be celebrating"
"I'm going to call her, Plagg Claws-"
"Wait - I'm sure shes enjoying her new found freedom without these responsibilities..."
"I'm just going to call to see how shes doing and give her the news"
"I'm sure shes fine dont worry"

"Wait- Plagg why dont you want me to talk to her. What are you hiding"
"I'm just saying shes got her own life to worry about"
"That's not all Plagg what is it is she okay."

"Shes fine Tikki just said that shes enjoying her time alone" Plagg lied. He had only briefly talked to Tikki when Adrien visited Mari the two of them would go and chat upstairs while waiting for the two love birds to finish.

"Alone? If she is alone I want to know she is alright." He said now sounding more concerned. Plagg knew Mari wouldn't Transform for sometime and that Adrien would only worry for her safety. He had to come up with something. He cared for Adrien but didnt want to lie to him.

"Shes fine Adrien, just wait until tomorrow. Tikki said she was busy today."
"Okay Plagg, I trust you but first thing tomorrow I am sending her a message"

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