Chapter 7

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About a week after the accident Adrien was visiting Mari again during the afternoon. Alya and Nino were due to visit in about half an hour and so were Sabine and Tom.

Adrien was holding her hand and talking to her as he usually did. He felt his hand move but he didnt do it. It was Marinette she moved her hand. Adrien then called for a nurse who helped Marinette take some of her wires off that she no longer needed.

A few minutes later she opened her eyes and smiled at Adrien. Adrien smiled back at her and asked her if she was okay. She didnt reply. Instead she just looked and smiled at him half-awake. He didnt know what to say or do. He didnt realise he was still holding her hand.

Marinette tried to speak again this time she was able to get a sound out. Not clear enough to be able to understand what she wanted or what she was saying. But it was a sound a beautiful one, One that Adrien missed everyday when he was waiting for her to wake up.

Marinette slightly squeezed Adriens hand. Adrien asked if he wanted him to let go and she shook her head.

The next half an hour before everyone else arrived was wonderful for both Adrien and Marinette. They just looked each other in the eyes and smiled while holding hands. Adrien wanted this moment to never end.

Alya and Nino arrived. Adrien and Marinette didnt notice until Alya spoke "your awake" Marientte didn't say anything and just smiled and nodded. "Can you speak?" Nino asked. Marinette looked at them and then shook her head. It was going to be a long road to recovery.

Sabine and Tom arrived shortly after and asked the same questions that Alya and Nino asked. Then all stayed their until about 5pm then Alya, Nino, Tom and Sabine left. Adrien stayed until he got kicked out of the room. He was told on his way out that they would move Marinette to one of the other wards as she didnt need to be in intensive care anymore.

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