Chapter 3

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Adrien walked back into the building after around five minutes. His eyes were puffy and red. The group noticed but didnt say anything about it.

"Marinette's family," The nurse announced from the other side of the room. Sabine and Tom stood straight up. Alya Nino and Adrien looked at the couple for a sign if they could come too. Sabine gave them a short nod and the friends followed them into a small office. The office had two chairs at one side of the desk and another on the other side. On the desk was a computer, keyboard and mouse all facing the one chair. To one side of the room was a book shelf with folders and books on. Next to the book shelf was a filing cabinet and some plants.

The nurse led the in "Have a seat," she said gesturing to the chairs. Tom and Sabine sat down and the trio stood behind them. The Nurse got a folder from the filling cabinet and sat down opposite them.

She explained to them all that Marinettes life would change. She had life threatening injuries all over her body. She had brain damage and multiple broken bones.

Tears formed in all of their eyes. Sabine clinged to Tom and so did Alya to Nino. Adrien stood their quiet. Tom asked some questions to the nurse on being "when can we see her" which the nurse replied "tomorrow". Tht couldn't wait that long. They all loved Marinette so much, everyone loves marinette.

After they left they all decided to go back to Sabine and Tom's house. Around them were constant reminders of how happy Marinette was.

They tried to talk about happy things but every conversation lead back to how much pain Marinette must be in. Eventually Nino walked Alya home and then walked himself home. Adrien was picked up about five minutes after Alya and Nino left by Natalie and Gorilla. (He doesn't have an actual name so he will be called gorilla).

*At adriens house*
Adrien walked through the door which Natalie opened for him a few moments earlier. He walked slow and looked down. "Adrien, where have you been?" His father said looking furious, "I told you you could be out for an hour to the cafe and to be back, it's been 4 hours!"
"sir, if I may..." Natalie said about to explain Adrien since she had been told about the whole situation.
"No Natalie, you may not I want to hear this from my son!" Gabriel forcefully said.
"I'm sorry father, my..Marinette got really hurt....and....I wanted...needed to be there for her..."Adrien explained on the verge of tears.
"What happened to her? What was so bad that you were 3 hours late and didnt even tell your own father?"
Gabriel snapped.
"She got...she got...hit by a car...the nurse said it was life threatening"
"Oh..." Gabriel said trying to sound sympathetic over it though he had just shouted at this son.

Gabriel walked over to his son. Adrien looked up from the floor and Gabriel pulled him into a tight hug. Tears ran down Adriens cheek as he closed his eyes. After about a minute the hug was over and Gabriel for the first time walked his son over to his room.

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