Chapter 21

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"It was you, you hit Marinette" Natalie looked at him in shock and horror. She couldn't believe it. 

"I know, And I feel bad honestly I do." Came a reply. Natalie had never seen him like this sorry for what he had done, yet she couldn't look at him. She knew what he was capable of but he had never almost killed an innocent teenage girl like that before. Causing them so much pain.

"Why" Came the responce from Natalie. She had grown to like Marinette, all the time she saw Adrien with her. She saw how happy she made him feel, making her happy too. 

" Some reason, you wouldn't understand."

"Tell me now Gabriel" Natalie raised her voice, she had never done this. Her job was on the line. She could get fired. But none of that crossed her mind all she wanted was what was best for Adrien. She knew that it would be best without his father. He was bad and they both knew it. 

"I was trying to make negative emotions, cutting people off, being annoying, maybe just maybe-"

 "maybe just maybe what Gabriel, all you do is bring pain and misery to that boy he his better off without you" Natalis snapped. She wanted to do it, she wanted to reveal his secret identity to the whole world, ruin his life forever and maybe Adrien could lead a happy life. She knew Adrian was better off without his father. 

Gabriel snapped back, "How dare you talk to me like that Natalie. He needs me, he needs his mother and he needs our family to be together again, Then he will be happy".

"Your son is a misery every moment he spends in this house. You don't even know anything about him, he comes back late every night after spending his time with marinette, and you have never noticed, you even put her in that position. He'll never forgive you after finding out what you've done, he'll abandon you, he'll resent you for the rest of his life." Natalie spoken in clear, loud words she wanted every word to hit him like a punch. She wanted him to feel the pain that he has been inflicting on his son all this time. 

 Gabriel had nothing to say. He could not believe that the one that here trusted so much throughout these years would turn her back on him just like that. He finally found the words "Get out Natalie, get out now"

 She did as she was told. She didn't want to make him anymore angrier than he was, but she also knew Adrien deserved to know the truth no matter how much it would hurt Gabriel. 

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