Chapter 29 - The Plan

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Everyone went inside an crowed into the teen girls bedroom ready to hear the plan and what they would need to do.

Marinette started to explain. "Natalie has  a picture with the buttons of how we get into Hawk Moths base here. Me and Adrien will go through and hope that he thinks were alone. Alya, Nino and Luka you are going to go with Max and he is going to teleport you into the base five minutes after we have gone in and take Hawk Moth by surprise from behind. Luka, just before you get in their you are going to use second chance just in case something goes wrong. You need to hide as soon as you get their, try not to let Hawk Moth see you. You are our second to last chance if something goes wrong. Max you are going to go with Luka and dettansform recharge your Kwami and come back and fight with us. Then you are secretly going to use your powers and let Chloe in. Shes going to come from behind and paralyse Hawk Moth and then we can take his Miraculous easier. Now any questions."

"No I think they got it," Adrien filled in for the silence.

"Each of you just do your part and everything should go smoothly. Natalie is going to transform and use a sentimonster to track us all and make sure everything goes smoothly." Marientte continued.

"Wait, Transform? Sentimonster? Is Natalie Mayura?" Alya asked confused and concerned about working with her now.

"Yes but shes a vital part in the plan. And we trust her." Adrien replied and looked at Marinette, it took her a second or two but she knodded in reassurance to Adrien. She knew she could trust Natalie after all she had the peacock miraculous and had not told Gabriel about their plan to take him down. 

She could be trusted, she could be trusted, she could be trusted. These word spun round her mind. She was lost in thought and was doubting herself. Should she have been so quick to reveal her identity to someone who was once so blinded by love that she went over to the evil side. No, she could trust her. Natalie had been the one to tell Adrien about his fathers identity and her own for that matter. She had told them so much about the ins and outs of the Agreste Mansion that Marinette was sure that she was reformed now. She knew she was, but that didn't stop the thoughts wizzing around at a hundered miles per hour in her brain. It didn't stop the worrying or the anxiety deep down inside. 

"Marinette?!" Alya yelled at her best friend trying to be louder than her thoughts. 

"Yeah? oh, sorry. Anyway are we ready?" Marinette replied and asked the group. Positive tones of voices came from everyone in the room.

"Hero pose it is then" Adrien said as everyone else retransformed after the short break to make sure themselves and their kwamii's were ready for what was about to take place. 

They were ready. 

A/N This is what I ment about the hero pose :)

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