Chapter 15

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The night was long for both Plagg and Tikki. They watched over their holders sleep peacefully. Both the Kwamis knew their holders so well, yet neither of them had no idear how they would react to the news. They probably wouldn't believe them at first, the coincidence that two people in the same class were the miraculous holders. 

As Dawn broke Plagg was getting more nervous to tell Adrien the truth. Plagg knew that as soon as Adrien woke up he would want to know what was going on with his Lady. He wasn't worried though, he knew that this would make Adrien and Marinette's relationship stronger as their were no lies and that it would make him love her even more.

Tikki wached over Mrinette as she slept, she too was nervous. She knew that Marinette saw Chat Noir as a special friend, one that she might have some underlying feelings for if it wasn't for Adrien. 

Adrien was the first to wake up. It took him a second or two for his eyes to adjust to being awake and to realise where he was. He saw Plagg next to him and then remembered just what he had to ask his Kwami. "Plagg, what is wrong with m'lady," Adrien sat up in his bed and looked at his kwami with both hope and fear in his eyes. "Is she okay?" Plagg couldn't get the words out he knew that this was worring him. That it is all that he could think about. He didn't know how to say it. "kid, i'm just going to come right out and say it," Plagg replied to the eager boy. Adrien once again looking at him with hope and fear, what was he going to come out and say? Why was it difficuly for him? Plagg took a deep breath and spoke in a clear but quieter than usual voice. "You need to know who Ladybug is, but because I can't directly tell you her name, You need to ask me questions to get to who it is"

"You mean, i'm going to find out who ladybug is," Plagg nodded his head. 

"Do I know her in normal life?" Plagg nodded his head again.

"How old is she?" 

"She's your age, a little younger than you but she is the same age as you," Plagg replied. A look of relief filled Adrien's face, the fact that he hadn't been flirting with someone who was a lot older than him. 

"Does she go to my school?" Plagg once again nodded his head. 

"What class is she in?" He questioned. 

"She's in your class"

"So your saying by pure chance that m'lady is my age, goes to my school and is in rge same class as me?" Plagg nodded his head. 

Adrien paused knowing that one of the girls in his class was Ladybug. He didn't know which one. He had seen all of them at one time or another with Ladybug. He went through all the names in his head. 

"I don't know Plagg, I've seen all of them with Ladybug. Who is she."

"You have seen her with Ladybug," Plagg explained.

He again went through all the names in his head, Chloe, Alya, Juleka, Marinette,Mylene, Alix, Rose, Sabrina and Lila.

He knew for a fact it couldn't be Lila or Chloe they just couldn't hadle that resposibility or being a full time ladybug. 

"Is it Alya, Juleka, Marinette, Mylene, Alix, Rose or Sabrina" Adrien asked. The kwami once again nodded his head. Adrien looked up he had just said the name of who ever was ladybug. Adrien then went through each of the girls names. Plagg shock his head when he said Alya and Juleka. But when he got to Marinette he remained still. Adrein knew that Marinette was Ladybug. 

"Plagg is Marinette Ladybug?" Adrien asked looking once again hopeful. Plagg looked him in the eyes and replied "yes."

*A/N Sorry for not updating for like a month I promis updates will be at least weekly. Thank you for being patient*

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