Chapter 25

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It took a good half an hour to explain everything. All Natalie could do is look shocked. She couldn't believe it, Adrien was Chat Noir and his girlfriend was Ladybug.

Only a short time ago this information would have aided in the end of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Natalie thought to herself. But she now saw who Gabriel really was. A cold blooded, heartless monster who didn't care about anyone but himself and his happiness. 

"How, Why, When, What..." Natalie couldn't form full sentences, she had a thousand thoughts in her head right now  and didn't know how to process any of it enough to make her words sound right. 

"How.... Saved the previous guardian proving his worth. Why..... because he cares for the people of Paris. When.......About 2 years ago and What is well, a funny, caring Chat." Marinette explained, a small smile wiped across her face, especially when she started to describe his character. So did Adrien. He loved it when she aknowleadged his jokes and reference them. 

"Ok you two, We need a plan" Natalie spoke up finally able to speak. 

"I just might have one." Marinette explained her plan. I was as longer then any other plan she had come up with. She describes every detail. Every person, Miraculous and equipment that she needed. They were going to defet Hawk Moth. 

"I need to be on this mission Adrien, please let me go." Marinette begged Adrien. It was nealy an hour or so since he told her thats she couldn't. But hopping that her plan had changed his mind, she asked again. She appreciated how much he cared for her, but she needed to do this. 

"Ok, yes you can." The biggest smile of the day grew accross her face. "-but you must be careful. And the second you don't feel well, we abort the whole plan and come back home."

"I promise" Marinette agreed, the smile lessened on her face but was still their. She knew he was only looking out for her, but she wasn't so fragile any more. The plan was complete she just had to inform everyone now.

"We need to get moving, we can't risk my father finding where we are or leaving the country. We may never get this chance again," Adrien explained. All the love he had for his father once had dissappear and turned to hatred. He truly didn't feel anything good for him anymore. The more he though about it the less and less he loved him. The cold meals he sat infront of alone, at the head of the vast dining room table. The hours he spent practicing chinease and piano, for his father to not acknowlege or to tell him he wasn't good enough and need to practice harder. It was some miracle that he could love anyone, ever again. 

"agreed." Natalie said. Marinette nodded her head. 

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