Imagine standing in front of Loki

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***A/N: Look who's up and writing again! Well, I'll be trying to finish my Destiel and Sabriel story soon, and hopefully get that done. Anyways, I added standing up to Loki for this prompt. Tell me what you guys think!

Edit: I changed the height from 5'5 to 5'2 for reasons***

You were nothing special, just a field agent for SHIELD. You got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. The mission was for you to try to get some intel on Loki, and you had gotten captured by Clint. You cursed yourself when you had gotten caught, normally you were more careful.

"Come on, Clint! I know this isn't you! It's (y/n), don't you remember me?!" you yelled at him as he dragged you to wherever Loki was. It had been a good fight, a challenge. Normally you and Clint were evenly matched when you guys were training, but during this fight he had an... abnormal strength.

"I don't really care. Let's just see what the boss has to say about this," Clint told you. You snorted. 'Since when did Clint start referring to people like that? Even with Director Fury, he calls him Nick. Natasha's gonna be even more pissed when she finds out how bad it is,' you thought. Clint came to a stop in front of a large pair of doors.

"Looks like Stark really went all out with this place," you whispered to yourself as Clint opened the doors. That's when you saw him. Loki. 'Damn, he's tall,' you thought. 'And Thor's taller than him. Maybe it's the helmet. He's not bad looking either... Snap out of it (y/n), he's the enemy!'

Loki sat at a slightly larger than normal chair. "So, who have you brought me, Clint?" Loki asked with a slight British accent. 'Do they all sound British?' you thought.

"Her name is (y/n). She's a field agent for SHIELD. A spy," he answered curtly, dropping you in front of Loki. You looked up at him, a slight snarl on your face. 'He's the enemy, keep your game face on,' you could practically hear Natasha say in your mind.

"Stand up," Loki ordered. You just looked to the ground for a second before Clint started to force you to your feet. Even standing up, you had to look up in order to stare Loki in the eyes. You weren't that tall, standing at only 5'2. Since you were small, people often thought you were harmless. Your short (hair color) hair had covered half of your face during the fight and hadn't gone back in place yet. Loki started to brush it out of the way and you flinched.

"Don't worry, (y/n), I'm not going to hurt you. Just as long as you give me the information that I need," Loki told you, staring down at you. SHIELD trained you well, so you had a high tolerance for torture. Natasha trained you herself to make sure of that. 'Just because you're a girl doesn't make you any less capable. You can last as long as any guy that gets captured, maybe even longer,' she had told you during training.

"I never telling you anything, Loki. Go ahead and try torturing me, you won't get anything out of me," you growled at him. He looked a bit shocked at this defiance. A mad grin slowly started to appear on his face. 'Shit, what's he going to do?' you thought.

"Such pretty (eye color) eyes," he marveled. "I wonder what secrets they hold. What have you seen in SHIELD headquarters, (y/n)? What do they plan on doing about me?" Loki asked. 'So he's going for seduction. This is going to be a bit harder than an old, fat Russian dude like Natasha normally deals with,' you thought.

"You've already met Stark, Rogers, and their gang. Which now includes you brother, might I add," you said with defiance in your voice.

"So they're sending out those jokers to deal with me, eh (y/n)?" Loki responded, slightly amused. 'Great, he underestimates them. It'll make it that much sweeter when they defeat him. I wonder what they'll do with him after though,' you thought. 'Stop! He'll probably go back to Asgard with Thor, they'll be able to deal with him accordingly there. Why do you care so much?!'

"It seems as if you're having some inner conflict, (y/n). Having trouble thinking clearly?" Loki smirked as he tipped your chin up so you had to look at him. Your heart stuttered a bit. 'Enemy, (y/n)!'

"Honestly, I'm thinking about how Stark's gang is going to kick your ass and how you'll get sent back to Asgard," you replied with a slightly mad grin of your own. 'Not entirely false,' you thought.

"Get her out of here, she doesn't know anything more than that gang of fools," Loki said as he motioned for Clint to drag you away again. You had gotten released, and went straight to Director Fury with the intel that you had gained. Natasha had been worried, and asked about everything you had seen. You told her about Clint and she was even more pissed than you had imagined.

*After the Battle of New York*

You smirked as you saw Loki handcuffed in SHIELD headquarters after the battle. You had fought, but not alongside the "Avengers", as Stark (he told you to start calling him Tony, but old habits die hard) had said they were called. You walked up to where he was, still having to look up as he was standing up.

"Well, (y/n), it seems that we meet again," he said. "I shouldn't have let you walk free, you actually knew more than you let on."

"Well, Loki, I'm tougher than I look. Oh, and by the way," you motioned for him to lean down. As he did, you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "A bit more seducing and it might have worked, you're kind of cute," you whispered in his ear. Loki blushed at that. As you walked away, you turned back to see Loki touching where you had kissed him with his fingertips, looking a bit shocked. When he saw you, he grinned madly and blushed a deeper shade of red. 'He isn't as smooth as he lets on,' you thought with a slight smirk. 'I'm definitely losing my job if Fury finds out.'


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