Betrothed Pt. 3

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Okay so this is the last part for Betrothed. By the way, did any of you guys want a part 2 for An Unintended Announcement? Another note, sorry that I've been absolute shit at updating, I've kinda been putting off almost all of my writing but I promise that I'll try to be better.

Today was the day. After a few months in Asgard to get you familiar with the realm that you would soon be ruling with Thor, the wedding had seemingly creeped up on you. Your mother and a few chambermaids helped you get ready for the big day, styling your (h/c) hair into a low bun and securely placing a hair comb that belonged to your grandmother in the crease.

"See, it could have gone a lot worse for you," your mother said as she stepped back and took in your appearance. "Thor is a nice man, and you will be well provided for."

"Yes, mother," you replied, casting your eyes to the floor. Although you were beginning to get over your timid nature with Loki's help, it was still ingrained into you when you were in your mother's presence. "May I have a moment alone?" You asked, standing up from your seat in front of the vanity.

"Of course. The ceremony starts in twenty minutes," your mother reminded you.

"I'll be there," you told her as she closed the door behind her and the maids. "It's not as if I have much choice," you added under your breath. "Come on, Loki, I know you're in here."

"And how did you know that?" You heard him ask from beside you.

"You're not as slick as you think," you joked, a smile tugging on the corners of your lips. "Well, how do I look?"

"You look gorgeous as always," he said, taking in your immaculate appearance. "Although I have to admit, I am a bit upset that this couldn't have been for me."

"You know that I wish it could've been, but I have a duty to my realm," you said, pulling his face down to yours to kiss him briefly.

"My original offer still stands, you know," he said, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face.

"And you know that I would've taken it under any other circumstances," you replied. Loki stayed quiet, walking over to the vanity where you had been getting ready. He picked up the veil, turning it over in his hands as he examined it carefully. "It's a tradition in my realm," you explained, stepping towards him.

"I'm well aware. May I?" He asked, holding the veil up towards you. You nodded, and he stepped forward, carefully placing the veil in you hair so it would not come loose. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before stepping back. "Absolutely stunning."

"Thank you," you replied, a light blush dusting your cheeks as you cast your eyes downwards. Loki tipped your chin up, locking your (e/c) eyes in a gaze with his own green ones. He was about to say something when an insistent knocking began on the door.

"(Y/n), hurry up in there! We have got ten minutes until the ceremony and we need to get you in place," you heard your mother demand from the other side of the door.

"Coming, mother," you called out. "I've got to go," you told Loki.

"I heard," he replied with a small laugh. "I'll see you later, then." And in the blink of an eye, he was gone. You went to open the door, seeing your mother standing on the other side as you had expected.

"Well, come on then," she said. "At least you've got your veil on right, that's something I don't have to do for you." You sighed, letting yourself be whisked away into the wedding proceedings.

~~ Time Skip ~~

You stood at the alter listening to the officiator drone on. You barely payed attention, making sure that you wouldn't miss your vows. As the vows were exchanged, the officiator said something that you believed was removed from weddings in your realm.

"Now, if anyone has any reason as to why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I do," you heard the velvety voice say calmly from Thor's side of the alter.

"Brother?" Thor asked, turning to face the raven-haired man.

"Prince Loki, if you have a reason then please speak," the officiator told him, seeming shocked at this turn of events.

"(Y/n), I have to say that during these short months of knowing you, I'd like to think that I know you as well as I can. I've fallen deeply for you, and can't stand by and watch as you marry my brother. Please, say that you'll come with me," Loki said. You looked to Thor, surprised that he didn't seem even slightly upset. If anything, he seemed a bit relieved.

Thor nodded at you as if he were giving you permission. You looked over at your mother, seeing her shocked and slightly offended reaction. Your father sat next to her, trying to calm her down. You looked back to Loki, seeing his green eyes still focused on your face. You nodded, accepting Loki's offer. The officiator cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well then, it appears that we're done here. I would like to thank everyone for coming out," he said, ending the ceremony. Everyone began standing up, the confused murmurs sounding throughout the crowd. Thor had seemingly disappeared when you turned to look for him.

"I guess it's time to tell my mother," you said, taking Loki's hand. You were sure that you were going to get told off with no end, but you were prepared for that if it meant a future with the man beside you.

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