Reunited (Separated Pt. 2)

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"Hey, Clint! I found something," you heard someone say as you slowly regained consciousness.

"What'd you find?" You heard a man ask.

"What do you think? A survivor. Well, I think she's alive," the woman responded. You heard the crunch of footsteps as the man approached.

"Hey, uhm, are you alive?" He asked, poking you with a stick or something. Your eyes fluttered open as you let out a soft groan of pain.

"Oh, good, she's alive. Did you get bitten?" The woman asked.

"No, but my ankle," you trailed off, taking in your surroundings. A woman with fiery red hair carrying a fire axe and a handgun stood over you, accompanied by a man with short blond hair carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows.

"Yeah, her ankle's bad," the man said as he kneeled down to take a closer look. "Think one of the other guys'll be able to take care of it?"

"Maybe. I'm Natasha and this is Clint, we're going to help you, but if you make a move we won't hesitate to kill you," Natasha said as she kneeled next to look you in the eyes. "Do you need help getting up?" You nodded and Natasha wrapped your arm over her shoulders so she could help you walk to their base.

"How'd you get a mile from our base?" Clint asked as he kept a lookout for walkers.

"My partner and I were holed up in a warehouse somewhere around here and the walkers swarmed us. I have to go back," you said, remembering the events of last night.

"Woah, we're gonna fix you up first. That warehouse is about ten miles away, we'll send out a recon group to see if they can find him," Clint told you. "Nick'll probably approve that."

"We're here," Natasha said as you guys approached another warehouse surrounded by a high fence. "This one's safer than the warehouse you holed up in. We've been here almost the entire time."

"Kind of reminds me of the prison in Walking Dead," you said as you guys went through the gate.

"That's what I was saying!" Clint said, relaxing now that you guys were safe. They led you to what they called the med room, which was a small room on the ground floor. They told you that they all stayed on the upper level where the catwalk and observation room was.

"Who's this?" A tall blond man asked as you guys entered. Clint looked at Natasha and she shrugged.

"We actually don't know," Clint started.

"So you're telling me that you guys brought someone to our base and don't even know who she is?" The man asked, shaking his head. "You know what, never mind. What's injured?"

"Her ankle, it's sprained pretty badly," Natasha explained. "By the way, this is Steve."

"I'm (y/n)," you said as you were put on top of the examination table. Steve nodded in acknowledgement as he took off your boot to check out the damage. He wrapped it up in bandages and told you to stay off of it for a while.

"We'll go see what Nick says about her staying," Natasha said, leaving the room with Clint following behind her.

"How many people are here?" You asked, never having witnessed an actual team. It's always been two, maybe three people at the most sticking together.

"Well, we have seven people here. Eight if Nick says you can stay here," Steve told you. "Have you been alone this entire time?"

"No, my partner and I got swarmed last night. I'm not sure if he's still alive," you admitted, the reality sinking in.

"Hey, if he's stayed alive this long, I'm sure he's alright," Steve told you with a reassuring smile.

~~ Three Years Later ~~

Sure enough, Nick had let you stay. You were surprised to say the least, you weren't sure he would, especially with you being injured at the time. Soon enough, you met the rest of the team: Bucky, Scott, and Sam. Bucky, Sam, and Steve were all ex-military and well trained in firearms. According to Bucky, Steve had been using a trash can lid as a weapon in the beginning of the entire thing. Scott was good with computers and electronics, which helped get the lights and other things running in the warehouse. Nat and Clint didn't really talk about their lives before the infection.

"Nat, there's a group down in that valley over there," you told her. You, Nat, and Clint were on a supply run, looting whatever things you could find.

"Do they look like threats?" She asked, walking next to you.

"Who do you guys think was the first celebrity to die in this whole thing? I bet it was Tony Stark," Clint said, not realizing what was going on.

"You're wrong, by the way," you said, now looking through a pair of binoculars to get a better look at the group.

"What? How would you know?" Clint asked.

"He's down there, along with like seven other people," you reported. "I'm not sure if we should approach them or not."

"Send Scott, he's a likable guy," Clint said.

"We're not sending Scott," Natasha replied. "I say we send in Bucky and Steve."

"Or I could go in," you said, putting down the binoculars.

"No way," Natasha immediately said.

"Why not? I'm the smallest one, they won't be suspicious," you argued. "You and some of the others could trail behind me to make sure I'm safe."

"Fine, whatever. I'll go get Bucky and Steve. You two stay here and don't move," she instructed, pointing at you and Clint. Half an hour later she returned with the two men and gave you the okay to go in. You left your katana with them, leaving you with your two handguns as protection. Slowly you made your way into the valley, trying to make it look like you just happened upon their camp.

"H-hello? Is anybody here?" You asked as you broke through the tree line and into the clearing. A man with dirty blond hair and a woman with brunette hair looked up from their spot by the small fire.

"Go get Tony," the woman said. The man ran off, leaving you and the woman.

"Who are you?" She asked, pointing a gun at you.

"I'm (y/n), I've been traveling alone and I just saw the smoke from the fire. I thought you guys could help me," you said, putting your hands up. Your handguns pressed into the small of your back, readily available if needed.

"Wanda, gun down. She doesn't look like trouble," Tony said as he approached with the man from before. "Thank you, Pietro. I've got it from here."

"Tony, I heard that there was someone new," a raven haired man said, running up to the three of you. "(Y/n)?"

Your eyes widened as the realization hit you. "Loki?"

He ran up to gather you in his arms, it felt like coming home. His hair was longer than when you last saw him, his frame slimmer, the bags under his eyes deeper, but it was still your Loki. "I thought you were dead."

"My team, they rescued me. They found me in the forest," you said, pulling from his hold. "What happened to you?"

"Tony and them, they found me the next day and took me here," he explained. "This is our team: Tony, Pepper, Bruce, Rhodey, Pietro, Wanda, and Thor." Loki pointed at each member in turn, who had gathered around to watch the exchange.

"Guys, it's safe to come out," you said, watching as they came out of the tree line. "This is our team, well part of it," you finished, introducing everyone. "I can't believe you were around here the entire time," you said, wrapping your arms around Loki.

"I think we might have enough space in our base for all of us," you heard Natasha tell Pepper. You smiled at that. With everything going on, you didn't want to lose your family even after finding your love.

"Trust me, you're not going to be rid of me anytime soon," Loki said, pulling you in for a kiss.

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