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It was your last day, well, night here. You had been visiting Loki in Asgard for two weeks now, using the vacation time that you had racked up working with SHIELD as an intelligence operator. It definitely wasn't as interesting as the field agents and such, but it was still just as hard to get vacation time approved. It took nearly a month, and some convincing from Natasha and Clint, to get Fury to approve the time off.

Your trip had started with Thor taking you to Asgard using the bifrost. Loki hadn't picked you up because, to put it in simpler terms, was grounded and not allowed to leave Asgard. The second you appeared after the not-so-great trip to Asgard, you found yourself in a bone crushing hug from Loki. "Gods, I missed you so much," Loki muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"Loki, I need to breath," you laughed softly, muffled slightly by his clothes.

"Sorry, love, it's just that I really missed you," Loki replied, pulling back a bit. He looked down at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world and would disappear if he looked away for even a moment. You blushed under his intense gaze, pushing a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear as you smiled softly.

"That's adorable, but we have get to going. Father wishes to see (y/n) before you take her to do whatever it is you have planned," Thor spoke up, having tried to avoid looking at the mushy displays of affection that had been occurring and now feeling uncomfortable.

"Wait, why?" You asked, nerves immediately making themselves known. You had only spoken to Odin on one occasion, and it wasn't exactly like you were on the best terms with him. You felt Loki's grip around you tighten slightly, him obviously not liking the idea very much either.

"Don't worry, he just wishes to speak to you about Loki," Thor replied nonchalantly.

"That doesn't exactly help my nerves," you told him. "But I guess we might as well get it over with." Thor nodded, leading you and Loki to the palace. You and Loki trailed slightly behind, Loki taking the time to point out certain things about the realm as it was your first time in Asgard. Normally when Loki wasn't allowed to stay on Earth, he visited often. Even with the small distractions, you quickly came upon the palace. You could feel the anxiety building in you even more than before, and it was as if Loki could sense it as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.

"You'll be fine, love. I'll see you soon," Loki murmured to you as the doors to the throne room opened. You could see Odin sitting on his throne, talking to one of his guards. You looked to Loki, still a bit unsure. He nodded, and you took a deep breath before stepping forward.

"(Y/n), I'm surprised that you actually came," Odin said, his attention turning to you.

"It's not like I could exactly say no to the All-Father. Forgive me for being so blunt, but what exactly is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" you said without stuttering, to your amazement.

"It's nothing bad, you can relax. I just wish to know if you've noticed a change in Loki since the two of you have started seeing each other," Odin replied, matching your bluntness with his own. "It's just that he seems less..."

"What, evil? And yes, I've noticed that he's been less icy towards others since we've started dating," you replied. "Is that all?"

"Yes, it is. I'd actually like to thank you, as well. I'm not sure what you have done, but you have changed my son for the better. You may leave," Odin finished, already turning to speak with the same guard from before. You were taken aback by the gratitude, but just turned to exit the throne room.

The next week consisted of pretty much the same thing: Loki taking you around Asgard, showing you all of his little hiding places. One of your favorites had to be a small cave behind a waterfall, giving the world a slightly distorted view but still being beautiful nonetheless. Nights consisted of going to feasts (thrown at the insistence of Lady Sif and the Warriors Three), and then retiring to your quarters. There was of course enough room for you to have your own quarters, but Loki insisted that you stay in his room. Although he wouldn't admit it, he didn't want to be apart from you even in sleep.

The two weeks passed by quicker than you could ever imagine. You were currently laying in bed with Loki, not wanting to fall asleep as it would only shorten your time with him. Loki's arm was thrown across your waist, keeping you close even as he slept. You shifted slightly, trying not to disturb him. It was evident that you had failed when he stirred. "(Y/n)? Are you still awake, darling?"

"Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," you whispered.

"What's wrong?" Loki asked, propping himself up on his elbow.

"It's nothing, really. I just can't believe it's my last day tomorrow," you told him. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips before responding.

"I can't believe it either. I wish that you could stay with me," he said. "I won't ask that of you, though. You have your entire life on Midgard, and it wouldn't be fair of me."

"And I could never ask you to stay on Earth, you do have all of this here," you replied.

"It would be easier for me to leave, though," Loki replied, nonchalantly. "But, darling, don't worry. We may not have much time left together, but we can still spend it in each other's arms."

"Gosh, you're such a sap," you joked. "But you're right." With that, Loki wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on top of your head. You placed your cheek against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. 'I can just stay here forever and be happy,' you thought, slowly drifting to sleep. While you didn't have much time, you were going to enjoy it with the man that you loved.

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