Final Grades

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You'd been done with finals for about a week already. You had some down time before final grades for the semester released, so you were just relaxing in your shared apartment with your boyfriend before the reality of your grades hit you. It was kind of nice to just shove the thought of the last semester to the back of your mind and veg out for a little while. You weren't even planning on looking at the university's student portal until you needed to check the status of your loans for next semester. That plan got ruined the second your boyfriend came out of the shower, looking at his phone. "Love, final grades were released," Loki said, towelling off his hair with the hand that wasn't holding his phone. "Thor just told me."

"And why did you have to tell me?" You asked, looking up from your laptop. You'd been scrolling through Tumblr, just minding your own business and then Loki had to drop that on you. It was just what you needed to interrupt your perfectly unbothered Thursday afternoon.

"So we could look at our grades together? You do know if you look at your grades earlier then you don't have to stress about them later, right?" Loki asked, walking back to the bedroom. You followed him, knowing that you couldn't just drop the conversation there.

"But if I did bad then now I have to spend all of winter break feeling bad about my grades," you whined, jumping on the bed as you watched Loki pull on a t shirt.

"You spent days studying for each of your finals and worked on those papers for almost a week each," Loki said, already done with your nonsense. "Come on, just look at your grades, love."

"But I don't wanna," you whined again. Loki gave you a look that let you know he wasn't going to entertain your whining for much longer. "Okay, fine. But if I failed then you owe me takeout."

"Deal," Loki said, hopping on the bed beside you, pulling up the school's portal on his phone. You did the same, finger hovering over the Academics tab. You looked over at Loki and he was looking back at you expectantly. With a sigh, you tapped on the Academics tab and scrolled down to look at your grades for the semester. You scanned over your grades, keeping your cool so Loki wouldn't be able to read your expression.

"So, how'd you do?" You asked, looking up from your phone.

"Three A's, one B," Loki said with a shrug. He was acting nonchalant but you could tell that he was anticipating hearing what your grades were. "My final pushed my second B up to an A. And what about you? How'd you do?"

"Two A's, two B's," you said, unable to contain your joy. With your two B's, you'd needed to get B's on both of those finals for a solid B in the class, and those were the finals you were stressing out about the most. When you were studying for those finals, Loki didn't like the state you were in: headphones on, study guide pulled up, notebook beside you, dead to the world and only focusing on the study guides. Once Loki saw the look of elation on your face, he couldn't contain his excitement. Loki tackled you in a hug, making you erupt into a fit of giggles.

"I'm so proud of you," he said, pressing kisses to your face. "I told you you had nothing to worry about! You studied so hard to get those grades."

"I'm just happy I don't have to retake anything," you said, finally able to stop your fit of laughter. Loki paused for a second, looking down from his position above you before finally pressing a kiss to your lips. When he broke the kiss, looking down at you once again, slightly out of breath, he couldn't keep the smile off of his face. Without another word, Loki got up and went to the closet. "Where are you going?"

"Get ready, we're going out with Thor and the rest of the group to celebrate," Loki told you, pulling a black button up from the closet.

"When'd you plan that?" You asked, sitting up and watching him.

"The second Thor told me grades were out. I knew that you'd do well on your finals," Loki said with a knowing smirk. "C'mon, love, get ready."


Before you knew it, you found yourself in a bar surrounded by your friends, all of you celebrating the complete end of the semester. Now that final grades were out and there was nothing any of you could do about it, you might as well celebrate. "To a semester finished and one more to go!" Steve toasted, raising his glass. Your group cheered, everyone raising their glasses to the toast.

"You have no idea how relieving it was to see those B's," you told Clint as you took a drink. Loki had an arm around your waist as he held his own conversation with his brother.

"I still don't know why you didn't pass/no pass at least one of your classes," Clint commented. "The second I knew I sucked at geography I pass/no passed that."

"I mean, I thought my classes wouldn't completely screw me but the midterms really came out of left field there," you told him. "Plus, those classes are major requirements so I couldn't PNP it."

"Well, at least you survived," Clint said, raising his glass slightly before downing what was left in it.

The rest of the night was spent like that, everyone drinking, enjoying themselves, complaining about the classes that you'd all survived, and talking about the classes you were taking next semester. You all only had one semester left, and you honestly couldn't believe that the time had passed by so quickly. The hours seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, the bar was calling the last call. Your group left the bar, still joking around as you said your goodbyes and began making your way back to your respective apartments. "You know, now I only gotta worry about next semester's grades," you commented as you and Loki were walking.

"Hush, I already know you'll be fine," Loki said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Plus, you don't have to worry about that until next semester. Let's celebrate the end of this semester and our final grades for now."

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