Quiet Hours

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You had two weeks before the semester ended. That meant that this week was what students so lovingly dubbed as Dead Week, and then next week were finals. All of the dorms had been put into 24 Hour Quiet Hours so that people could study without interruptions from people in the halls and rooms next to them. You were one of those people, trying to finish your final paper for English in your dorm not even that late at night. That was when you heard it: a group of girls (from what you could hear) in the hall laughing and joking around like it wasn't finals season.

"I'm actually going to cut a bitch," you muttered, glaring at your door like they could actually hear you. You figured they'd go into someone's room and the noise would quiet down at least some, but nope, they decided to stay in the hallway. You tried to tune them out, the need to finish your paper greater than your current annoyance, but they just. Wouldn't. Shut. Up.

"Guys, c'mon. It's Quiet Hours. Keep it down a bit," you heard a guy trying to hush the group. You appreciated his efforts, even though he was quickly met by loud protests from the group.

"It's not like anyone's actually studying! You know we're all fucking around," you heard one of the girls say. That was the last straw. You took your laptop out of your lap and stood up, checking to make sure you didn't look like you'd just been working for eight hours straight on your paper, even though that was exactly what happened. Your hair was slightly messy, your sweatshirt and sleep pants made you look like a slight mess, but it was acceptable. You were ready to cut a bitch and you looked like it. You opened your door, keeping your foot in the doorway to make sure you didn't accidentally lock yourself out, and glared at the group in the hallway.

"Hey, I'm trying to work on a paper in here so if you could kindly shut the fuck up, I'd appreciate it," you told them. It was a small group for the amount of noise they were making, and you recognized each of them from the floor. Thor, Loki, Darcy, and Jane. During the rest of the semester you normally didn't have problems with them, save for a few weekends when they were coming back from frat parties or something. With the state Thor, Darcy, and Jane were in, it looked like they'd just gotten back from a frat party.

"I'm so sorry about them," Loki immediately stepped forward and apologized. You assumed Loki was the designated adult for the night, making sure that everyone got back safe and survived the night. You kind of felt bad that he was the one responding to your anger, especially since he didn't seem like too bad of a guy. "I'll get them into the room and then we'll be out of your hair."

"Thank you," you said, turning and walking back into your room. Sure enough, you could hear a door open, some hushed talking, and then the door closing. You let out a soft sigh of relief as you walked back to your bed, ready to write a page or two more before calling it a night.


Another night, another chance to work on your paper. Admittedly, you probably should have been working on your paper since earlier, but there were things to do, people to see, and Netflix to watch. You finally settled in to work on your paper, your music playing softly so you wouldn't disturb anyone. You'd just begun getting into a rhythm when it happened again. The same voices from last night were once again making noise in the hall. You waited a bit to see if it would take care of itself, and were glad when you heard the sound of a door opening and closing.

Before you could get too comfortable with your situation, the music started up. It was much louder than what you were currently playing from your laptop speakers, and you were completely over it. You grabbed your backpack and began packing what you would need to take to the library to work over there until it closed for the night. It took all of five minutes before you were on your way out the door, scowling over at what you knew was Thor and Loki's room. In a moment of impulsiveness, you marched over to their room and pounded on the door.

"Yes? Hello," Loki said, looking exasperated as he opened the door. Before you could even say anything, he looked back over his shoulder. "Darcy, I swear on everything, turn the music down!"

"Loki, control your friends," you told him once he looked back to you. "You're lucky I'm just moving my work over to the library instead of calling the RA on you guys."

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). This is the second time we've interrupted your work, and trust me, I feel terrible about it," Loki apologized. "I've been trying to get them to listen to me but they're really like toddlers once you get alcohol in their systems."

"Don't they have their own finals to study for?" You asked, arms crossed over your chest. You appreciated the apology, but it really wasn't Loki's fault here.

"They do, and they'll be regretting this once they have to start cramming. I'm just trying to make sure they don't get into too much trouble," Loki replied.

"Yeah, I get it. Good luck with that, but I swear if they're still being loud as hell when I get back, then I'm going to call the RA. I know I'm not the only one studying here," you told him, the threat softer than it would have been with anyone else in that group.

"Of course, you have every right to do that and if I were in your shoes, I'd do the same thing," Loki told you. You could tell he was trying to avoid a write-up, especially since he did live in the same room as Thor and would get the strike on himself as well. "Tell you what, to make up for interrupting your studying twice now, how about we get coffee tomorrow? My treat, of course."

"You know what, sure," you gave in. You really couldn't fault him for trying. "Just knock on my door whenever, I'll most likely be in there."

"Of course," Loki said, a bright smile now on his face. "Good luck with your paper, (y/n)."

"Thanks, good luck with your babysitting," you told him with a slight laugh. With that and a small nod, Loki stepped back into the room and closed the door behind him. You shook your head, still not quite believing what just happened. You turned and walked down the hall, replaying the events in your head as you started your way to the library. To think, all it took was some drunk people during Quiet Hours to land you a date.

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