Revenge (Brookhaven Experiment Pt. 2)

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Day 10 of the 12 Days of Loki and turns out I might have two uploads and finish the 12 Days of Loki tomorrow unless you guys want me to finish this on Christmas instead. (I went to watch Rogue One today and I freaking loved it, even though no one asked.)

It had been a few weeks, enough for Loki to forget about your promise of revenge. While Loki was beginning to relax around you once again, you were preparing for revenge. You had gotten the idea after watching the Caspar and Joe Roommate Prank Wars since you were terrible with coming up with your own pranks. You decided on taking a page out of Joe's book, knowing that a lot of Caspar's pranks wouldn't work on Loki. You decided on the alarm clock prank, knowing that Loki loved sleep. It took a while to gather up ten different alarm clocks, especially since you didn't want Loki to start suspecting anything when you came back from the store. You did most of the preparation while Loki was at the Tower.

"Hey, guys," you told the vlogging camera. "So, if you watch my videos, you know that my boyfriend, Loki, scared me while I was using my Vive. I also promised revenge, so this is that. I stole this idea from Joe Sugg, I'll link to his video in the description. The basics of this is that I hide all of these alarm clocks in our room while Loki is sleeping and set them so they go off at different times at night. I'm going to set them up to go off every half hour starting at one in the morning. Now, some of you might be thinking 'oh, won't that bug you too?' Well, tonight I'm actually going to be sleeping over at Natasha's place for a girls' night, so I can sleep without any interruptions. Now, let's go set this up." With that, you put the camera up in the corner of the room so you could hide the alarm clocks. 

Once they were all hidden, you set up a few cameras with night vision in the corners of the room and on the dresser where Loki wouldn't see them and pressed record. You were in the middle of packing for the night when you heard Loki come into the apartment. "(Y/n), are you here?" Loki called out.

"Yup, bedroom," you called back, zipping up the bag. You looked over to where you knew a camera was and made a shushing motion before Loki came into the room. "Hey, Loki. How was your day?"

"It went by like they normally do. Training, things like that. Where are you going?" Loki asked as he noticed your bag.

"Spending the night at Natasha's, she wanted a girls' night," you explained with a shrug. "I'm actually leaving now, see you in the morning."

"Alright, love, I'll see you tomorrow," Loki said, giving you a quick kiss. You smiled at how sweet he was. It almost made you feel bad for what you were going to do to him. Almost. You arrived at the Tower, planning to just watch movies and talk for a while with Natasha. You had told her what was going on and she was probably more excited than you were at your revenge. Her initial 'prank' suggestion had been to just kill him, but there was the minor flaw of that being kind of illegal. You had begun nodding off at around four in the morning, woken suddenly by the sound of your phone ringing. You checked who it was and saw that it was Loki. Natasha motioned for you to put it on speaker so she could hear it too. You pulled out your vlogging camera so you could record. 

"It's about four a.m. and Loki's calling. I'm guessing that he finally got annoyed with the alarm clocks," you said, picking up the phone and putting it on speaker after that. You handed Natasha the camera so she could record. "Hey, what's up?"

"(Y/n), you evil woman," Loki replied immediately. "How many more clocks are there?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," you said, feigning innocence. "What clocks?"

"You know exactly what clocks I'm talking about. I'm about to go to the Tower just so I can get some sleep," Loki said in a low voice, nearly a growl.

"How about you don't do that?" You replied with a bit of a laugh. "This is just payback for that little prank you decided to pull on me. I did say that I'd get you back."

"Dear gods, I thought you forgot about that," Loki groaned. "It's been almost a month!"

"Nope, and now I'm pretty satisfied with myself. I'm gonna let you go to sleep. For now," you teased. You hung up before Loki could say anything else, flashing the camera a sleepy smile. "Alright, I'm tired as fuck now. Let's actually get some sleep now." Natasha turned off the camera and handed it to you. After you put it away, you laid down and fell asleep almost immediately. 

When you finally woke up at ten, you packed up your things and went back to your place, thanking Natasha for letting you hide there while your prank was at work. You unlocked the door to find Loki laying on the couch, nearly swallowed in blankets as he slept. You smiled a bit at how peaceful he looked and laid on top of him, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he stirred. "So you're finally back," Loki mumbled sleepily.

"Yup. Did you have a good night?" You teased.

"You know exactly how my night went," Loki groaned. "Sleep with me for a bit, love."

"Well, I can never say no to sleep," you replied as he covered you with a blanket and wrapped his arms around you. "So are you mad at me?"

"No, I deserved it," Loki told you, already falling asleep again. "But I'll find a way to get you back. Just not today, I'm too tired for that." You nodded, a small smile on your face as you were already drifting off. You had a feeling that it would become a prank war, and you were ready for whatever that would bring.

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