Burn Pt. 2

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Day 9 and we are almost done with this year's 12 Days of Loki. Here's the second part for Burn that so many of you guys asked for. (I really was thriving off of the angst. Little Moffat at work here.) I'm probably gonna make a part three for this by the way.

It had been a couple years before you finally went back to New York City. You had finally moved on, not quite sure if you were really ready to forgive Loki just yet. (Y/b/f/n) had managed to find you a small apartment downtown, as well as landing you a job as a photographer for an online news journal. You had changed a lot in the past years, taking the time to really think about who you were and what you wanted in life. You still wanted to be out of the narrative, which was why you hadn't reached out to Loki once you reached town. Your new job kept you busy though, always running around town for the best pictures concerning the latest news stories. Protests, new plays, new small business, and more were all your forte. There was just one subject that you wouldn't work with: Avengers.

You were getting ready for another work day, styling your short, (f/c) hair in front of the bathroom mirror when your phone started ringing. "It's (y/n), what's up?" You answered as you finished up.

"Hey, (y/n), I need you to take some pictures for an interview we managed to book last minute," your boss told you.

"Uhm, yeah, sure, what's the interview?" you asked, gathering up your camera bag and everything else you needed.

"I know you don't go for this, but it's with Captain America at the Avengers Tower and we don't have any other photographers available right now," he said, already knowing that you didn't want anything to do with those jobs. "I'll pay you double for this set, and give you the next five opportunities."

"I hate that you're making it impossible to refuse," you huffed, rubbing your hand across your face. "I'll do it. Who's the journalist?"

"You've worked with her, it's Amy," he replied. "Thank you for doing this, (y/n)."

"Yeah, sure, I'll send over the pictures once I get home," you said, hanging up the phone. You grabbed the last few things that you needed, including your keys, and began your trip to the Tower. You decided on walking, not wanting to go back to the place that brought back so many good memories that now bordered on painful. You met up with Amy outside of the building, her giving you a quick briefing on what was going on. She knew of your past, the only one at work that did, and never brought it up.

"I can't believe Jeremy actually called you for this one. I told him that you wouldn't want to do it," Amy said, shaking her head slightly as the two of you walked in. "What'd he bribe you with?"

"Double pay and next five opportunities," you replied. "I could use the cash, maybe start planning a trip out to London."

"Yeah, I get it," Amy said. The two of you walked up to the receptionist, Amy speaking when the receptionist looked up. "We're here for an interview with Captain Rogers."

"Amelia Pond?" Amy nodded. "Alright, I'll show you to the conference room." She led you to the spacious room that you recognized so well from press conferences with Loki. You set up your camera and things while the two of you waited for Steve. The second that Steve walked into the room, he stopped dead in his tracks.

"(Y/n)? Is that actually you?" Steve asked, crossing over the room in about three strides until he was right in front of you.

"Hey, Steve, it's good to see you," you said. Steve immediately gathered you into a hug, slightly crushing you. "Steve, I need to breathe."

"Sorry," Steve said, releasing you. "Do the others know that you're back? You just disappeared on us."

"No, I haven't told anyone yet," you admitted. "I've been laying low, you know about that."

"Captain Rogers, I'm Amy Pond. Shall we get to the interview?" Amy saved you from any more questions. Steve nodded, looking at you every now and then from the corner of his eye. After you took a picture of Steve and Amy for the news journal, Steve pulled you off to the side.

"(Y/n), are you planning on telling anyone that you're back in town?" Steve asked.

"No, I wasn't really planning on it. Can you please not tell anyone?" You asked, shifting from side to side as Amy waited for you so you guys could leave.

"I can't promise that," Steve said.

"Steve, please. I'll tell them when I'm ready, and that's not now," you told him. Amy called your name, saving you once again. "I need to go, it really was nice seeing you again."

"So, Captain America recognized you despite the whole new hair and everything," Amy said once you guys walked out.

"Yeah, I'm just really glad that Loki wasn't actually here. He used to crash the other guys' interviews so often," you recalled fondly.

"Speaking of him, are you guys actually still married?" Amy asked, the two of you walking back to your place. It wasn't uncommon for her to go hang out with you after assignments together.

"Yeah, I guess. I never filed for a divorce, but I mailed back the ring," you said with a shrug. The two of you went back to your house to work on your assignments for a bit.

A few weeks had passed and you had nearly forgotten about the interview. You had already received the check and other assignments, pushing the event to the back of your mind. You were getting ready to just go out and photograph whatever you wanted, like you did every time you had a free day. Just as you were grabbing your camera, there was a knock at the door. "Just a second," you called out, putting the camera bag on your shoulder. You opened the door, a large smile on your face as you went to greet whoever was there. The smile quickly dropped as soon as you saw who it was. "Loki?"

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