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You fidgeted, smoothing out your dress for what seemed like the thousandth time. "Stop that, you look fine," your mother said, smacking your hand away from the dress.

"I can't help it, I'm nervous," you admitted. "It is the first time I'm meeting the man I'm betrothed to."

"Everything will be fine. Not to mention that you're also delivering on the promise of peace to our people," your mother told you. You hated it, being a bargaining chip in a peace negotiation. However, you knew it was your duty as princess. Your sisters, brothers, and even your mother herself had been in the same shoes that you were currently in. You were brought out from your thoughts when your mother suddenly nudged you and said, "The royal family has arrived."

You looked up, seeing the two rulers of Asgard, Odin and Frigga, whom you recognized from a few ceremonies and galas that your family have thrown, and their sons enter the room. You briefly glanced at the more muscular blond man before your eyes landed on the raven-haired man that entered last. "Is that my betrothed?" You asked your mother in a low voice, taken aback by the handsome prince.

"Yes, you are to marry Prince Thor," she responded, assuming that you were looking at the blond man. "He is next in line for the throne after all."

"Yes, of course," you muttered, not allowing your small disappointment to show. You didn't find interest in the man whom your mother had called Thor, but in his brother instead.

"Lady (y/n), Queen (mother's name)," the Allfather greeted you.

"Allfather, it is a pleasure as always," your mother responded with a slight curtsy. She nudged you slightly, and you dropped into a curtsy as well.

"Your bags have already been brought to your rooms, we will have someone show you to them shortly," Frigga spoke. "A feast will be held tonight to celebrate the betrothal."

"Thank you, Queen," you spoke softly, eyes flickering up to her face briefly as you straightened out. She gave you a small smile before turning to her sons.

"Thor, Loki, it's rude to not introduce yourselves, is it not?" She asked, her tone sharpening slightly.

"I apologize, mother. I am Prince Loki," the raven-haired man spoke up. His voice was like velvet, it seemed like each word was caressed as it left his mouth. A slight shiver ran up your spine. 'No wonder they call him silver-tongued.'

"And I am Prince Thor," he said in a booming voice, breaking you from your reverie. He approached you, taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his lips. "It is an honor, Lady (y/n)," he said, brushing his lips gently across your knuckles. You smiled softly, taking your hand from his gently.

"The feeling is mutual," you replied, staying diplomatic. "Mother? Shall we go to our rooms?" You asked, turning to her. She nodded, and it seemed that two of the palace workers appeared out of nowhere to take you to the rooms.

"So, what do you think of Prince Thor?" Your mother asked once you were alone.

"He seems like a well enough man, but I'm not sure if I could keep up with him. Haven't you said that he fights with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three?" You asked, trying to find fault with him. It wasn't as if you could just come out and say that you found the other prince more interesting than the one you were to marry.

"He does, as does Prince Loki," your mother said. "What has gotten into you? You know that it is your duty to your realm to go through with this."

"I am well aware of that, it's just that I'd prefer if it were to be with someone with the same interests as myself," you argued.

"That doesn't matter here. What matters is that we have strong allies, and Asgard is the strongest realm of the nine," she replied. "Why are you being so difficult? You were aware of the possibilities before we even came here."

"You're right," you gave in. "I'm going to try to find the library, call for me once it's time." And with that, you left wandering the halls.

A/N: Okay yeah there's going to be a part 2 for this since I don't want this part to be too long. Oh and this is my 50th imagine apparently, so woop!

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