I'll Be Home for Christmas - Tom Hiddleston Imagine

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Day 12 and this year's 12 Days of Loki is over! This year went pretty well, even though I didn't post an imagine for 12 consecutive days like I wanted. By the way, this imagine isn't really based off of the song but I'm still putting it in the media. Question time! What were your guys' favorite imagines from this set? Also comment your favorite Christmas/winter songs just because.

You were sat on your couch, sipping (favorite hot drink) as the Doctor Who Christmas special played on the TV in front of you. You were relaxing with your dog, wrapped up in your biggest blanket and wearing your favorite pajamas as you tried to focus on the show in front of you. It was already getting late, and you had spent the day doing all of the traditional things. You went to your parents' house for gifts and other things, being barraged by the normal questions from your family. 'Are you seeing anyone?' Yes, you actually got a boyfriend almost six months ago. 'Really, where is he today?' He's actually out of town. 'What a shame, what does he do for a living?' Oh, he's an actor. Cue either the disbelief or the slightly obvious judgement. You didn't want name drop, especially around the Marvel nerds of your family, so you didn't tell them who exactly you were dating.

After a few hours of that, it got really old and really tiring. Your family knew that you worked as an assistant on movie sets, it wasn't that unbelievable that you were with an actor. Okay, you admitted that it was a bit bizarre, but still, it was still more insulting that your family reacted that way. You had met Tom during your last job, clicking almost instantly. As soon as filming ended, Tom asked you out and your relationship just grew from there. While Tom wasn't working this time around, he was in England so that he could spend the holidays with his family. While you completely understood and didn't hold it against him, there was the small part of you that just wanted to spend Christmas cuddled up with the man that you loved, as cheesy as it sounded.

Just after the episode finished and you were about to turn on the Pentatonix Christmas special (I'm not sorry at all), your phone lit up with a FaceTime request. You quickly checked to see who it was, met with a picture of you and Tom on your third date, the one where he officially asked you to be his girlfriend. You smiled a bit before answering. "Hey, Tom! Merry Christmas," you told him, putting a bit more enthusiasm than usual in your voice. You didn't want him to know that you were missing him and feel guilty about being with his family.

"Merry Christmas, darling. How was it with your family?" Tom asked. You could see that he was walking somewhere, the night sky behind him and cold air making his breaths visible. 

"It was pretty much the same. They were asking about my ever elusive boyfriend though," you joked. "Where are you going? Isn't it like four in the morning over there?"

"Yeah, I just needed a walk to clear my mind a bit," Tom told you, his sunshiney smile warming you a bit. "I miss you, love. My mum was disappointed that she couldn't meet you."

"I miss you too. Tell your mom that I'd love to meet her," you said with a small smile. "How was your Christmas?" Just as he was going to answer, your doorbell rang. "Sorry, I gotta go check who that is." Tom nodded, letting you know that it was fine as you went to go open the door, FaceTime still running. "Hello?" you asked, opening the door.

"I actually spent most of my Christmas on a flight, in case you were still wondering about that," Tom answered, holding his arms out to take you into a hug. You were shocked, dropping your phone on the carpet behind you as you pretty much threw yourself into his arms.

"I thought you were still in England," you said, muffled slightly by his coat. "What're you doing here?"

"I didn't want you to spend Christmas on your own, darling. My family did most of the Christmas stuff on Christmas Eve so I could make it back," Tom told you. "Let's go inside, it's too cold for you to be out in your pjs."

"Yeah, yeah, we should. Sorry, I'm just kind of shocked here," you told him, leading him into the house. "You can put your suitcase down over there. Do you want something to drink?"

"Darling, calm down, it's just me," Tom replied with a bit of a laugh. "What were you doing before I got here?"

"Just watching some Christmas specials. Oh, that's Lucy by the way," you said when your dog started barking at Tom. "Lucy, shush." Tom sat down on the couch opposite of Lucy, shedding his jacket and looking like he just belonged there. Lucy stopped barking and went up to Tom, putting her head on his lap as he began petting her. 

"(Y/n), you look like you've seen a ghost. Come here," Tom said, holding his arms out to you once again. Again you went into his arms, this time practically melting against him. "What's the matter, love?"

"Nothing, it's just that I really didn't expect you here and none of my family actually believed that I was dating an actor except for the kids and today just sucked," you told him as he held you closer to him. 

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here earlier, I would've gone with you if I had been. What can I do to make it up to you, love?" Tom asked as he reclined slightly so the both of you were laying dow, you on top of him.

"You did nothing wrong, Tom, you don't need to make anything up to me. I'm just really glad that you're here," you said, the sound of his heartbeat and his steady breathing calming you. You felt Loki pull your blanket around the both of you before he wrapped his arms around you again, the both of you falling asleep within minutes.

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